Blackboard now have some tools to help you gauge student participation in a Collaborate session.
Insights Panel
The Insights panel will appear at the bottom of the Collaborate screen during a session.

Insight Statistics
The Session Engagement Insights statistics include how many occasions where students have raised their hands and participated in the chat. See the Blackboard Help pages on how to interpret the data.

Insight Tips
Along the bottom of the panel the tips will appear to prompt further interaction with the participants.

Closing Insights Panel
To close the Insights panel click on the large X in the bottom left-hand corner of the panel. Once closed the panel will appear as a small icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

Insights for Recordings
In the Collaborate Ultra Recordings page there is a new tab named Recording Usage. This tab shows data on how many views or downloads a recording has received.

Insights for Students
- (a) Student can provide some feedback on how they are feeling in the session, or
- (b) Students can now see where they are in the queue of raised hands. A small number will appear next to the Hand Raised icon.

You can see the student’s feedback emoji in the chat and in the attendees list

Guide last updated on June 9, 2022