Classroom content – accessing the module’s recordings
Recorded lectures and classroom sessions are recorded using YuJa and accessed in the module’s channel in Blackboard. To access your module’s recordings:
- Log in to Blackboard with your University email and password.
- Enter the course for the videos you want to see.
- Click on the link to Videos (YuJa).
This will take you to the YuJa Channel for that module.
- Your classroom recordings will be available in the channel.
Classroom content – what’s recorded?
YuJa captures the classroom audio and the main screen in the room (e.g. the PowerPoint being displayed). The microphones ‘follow’ the main speaker in the room, providing a high-quality audio track to accompany the slides. There are no cameras capturing the audience.
It may be inappropriate to record some classes on your module. Please speak to your lecturer if you have any questions about recording.
Other video content
Your lecturer might embed screencast or tutorial-style videos within Blackboard learning materials. You can play these in Blackboard, although you may be asked to authenticate again with your University email and password.
Getting the most out of recordings
“I would much rather attend a face-to-face lecture and then use the recorded version to revise and revisit”
Undergraduate student – School of Law
Our top tips:
- Recordings are designed to be a complementary resource and not a substitute for attending your lectures. However they are a good way to catch up on missed content if you are unable to attend.
- You don’t have to re-watch the whole video. Check your notes from the lecture and see which bits you need to revisit.
- Try not to binge watch all your recordings before your exams. Pace yourself and watch little and often over the year.
- Study Advice have a series of online resources to help you get the most out of your classroom recordings.
Guide last updated on April 3, 2024