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Add Entries to Course Journals

The journal instructions when open in Blackboard.

Course Journals allow you a chance for reflection, giving multiple entries to a piece of work all in one place. This may be a series of reflections on your language learning or lab work time. Your tutor will hopefully give you instructions as what should be included in a particular journal and what is expected for each entry. All posts and comments are between you and your tutor.

Access the Journal

This might be within course content or the Assessment area of the course. Click in to open.

A journal icon in the course menu content area.

Below the instruction area you can add your entry.

Add Your Entry

Journal entry text edit options. Formating menu highlighted, Add Media items upload links and files.

Type your written material in the box. Use the formatting tools to edit your work, adding links to resourses, attachments of any files.

You can also embedd media from Youtube or YuJa directly inline within your entry.

Once you have completed your entry, click Save.

Post Entry Button highlghted.

Edit Your Entry

You can edit your entries. Click the three dot menu and edit.

Three dot menu and edit option for post in Journal entry

View Feedback

Entries can be Commented on by your lecturer. You can view your Comment, Marks and Feedback in the Journal.

Student entry with New Comments indicated below

Comments will appear below your entry . They will highlight new comments.

Click Show Comments to view your comments.

Journal Entry with comments open underneath.

You may recieve multiple comments and keep producing entries until the due date.

After this your journal may be marked.

Marks and Feedback appear at the top left of the journal, and are for the whole Journal not per entry. Click the Feedback icon to open the feedback.

Journal Marks and feedback icon.

For more information, see guidance from Blackboard Learn Ultra about using the Journal tool.

Guide last updated on April 10, 2024

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