Home / Blackboard Learn Ultra / Blackboard Learn Ultra: Customise your list of Courses

Blackboard Learn Ultra: Customise your list of Courses

Courses in Blackboard normally represent a module, but they can also be used for a programme. You can view the list of Blackboard courses you are enrolled on under the “Courses” tab on your Blackboard dashboard.

Filter by academic year

You can use the drop-down list under ‘Current Courses’ to filter the courses you are enrolled on by academic year.

Screenshot of the Courses page, showing how to filter by academic year

Search for courses

You can search your courses to easily find the one you need.

Showing the Course search box and the tile or list selection

Add courses to Favourites

You can click on the star icon on the right-hand side to add courses to your ‘Favourites’ so that they always appear at the top of the list.

Click the star icon to add a course to your Favourites

Change your view

Using the icons just to the left of the search bar, you can choose to view your courses as a list, or as tiles.

Select list or tile view of your courses

Private / unavailable courses

Any courses shown here as ‘Private’ are unavailable to students. Your lecturers will make courses available to you at an appropriate time. If there are any unavailable modules which you think you should already be able to access, please raise this with your lecturer.

Courses ending PR are programme courses are created automatically each year you are studying by the system and rarely used for teaching and learning. They will usually remain Private for the whole time.

Private course - list view

Private course - tile view

Guide last updated on September 6, 2023

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