Home / Blackboard Learn Ultra / Blackboard Learn Ultra: What are Organisations?

Blackboard Learn Ultra: What are Organisations?

Organisations are areas that contain information and resources which you need to support your learning, but are not related to a single module. The organisations you have access to will depend on what you are studying and in which School.


You will normally be enrolled on an organisation for your School or Department – for example, Undergraduate Psychology, Postgraduate History. Here you are likely to find

  • contact information for staff in the department and for your Support Centre
  • Programme Handbooks
  • assessment information
  • guides to library resources for your subject

and much more.

You may also be enrolled on a Careers or Placement organisation for your School or Department, while some Schools will also have organisations to provide other specific information – field trips and study visits, Research Ethics, and so on.

You will find your organisations under Organisations on the navigation menu.

Screenshot of the Organisations page, displayed as tiles

Please note: you can ignore the option to filter organisations by academic year – organisations are not associated with an academic year.

Ultra Organisations – new to 2023/4

As part of the Blackboard Learn Ultra Project Organisations are now in Ultra course format.

Blackboard Organisation us the latest version of Blackboard Learn, Ultra.  There are a few key differences and features of Blackboard Ultra you will find helpful.

Course Content

The course content area will have materials available to you inside learning modules or folders.

screenshot of course content

a.) There is a search facility at the top of the Course Content area to allow you to search for specific material.

b.) Learning Modules are content areas, which can contain items such as materials or folders.

c.) A progress bar will indicate how far through the Learning Module you have entered and viewed the items.

d.) Open the Learning Module by clicking on the chevron.

e.) Folder are a way of your Module Convenor organising the materials in the Learning Module.

Top Navigation bar

screenshot of navigation bar with Content, Announcements, Discussions, Message and Groups pointed out with call out pointers.

  • Content – returns you to the Course Content area.
  • Calendar – opens the Blackboard Calendar (this calendar does not link to your timetable).
  • Announcements – any news from your Module Convenor will be posted here.
  • Gradebook – only for assessment, which does not happen on Blackboard Organisations in the main.
  • Messages – emails can be sent to you using this function, however, this is not the route for sending messages to your the Organisation Leaders,  you cannot reply to messages.
  • Groups – if groups have been set up and made visible to student you will find them here.

Video tour of Ultra Organisations

Guide last updated on November 17, 2023

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