Once you have submitted your work, you will see a success message in a pop-up window.
- You will be able to download this receipt and save it to your OneDrive.
- In addition, you will receive an email receipt. The email receipt will be sent to your University email address.

The receipt will contain the following information:
- the assignment title
- date and time of submission
- the file size and name of the files you submitted
- a unique confirmation number
- link to view submission (on emailed version)
Please note:
- Do not delete the email receipt – you should retain it as proof of submission.
Accessing submission information
You can return to your submission any time, in the panel you will give key information such as the time and date of your submission and how many attempts you have left.
Click on the submission (a or b) to open and check that it is the correct document.
The instructor may have set up the test so that you can see your submission after you have submitted, after the deadline or not at all.