Home / Assessment / Submit to a Bb Assignment (large or multiple files)

Submit to a Bb Assignment (large or multiple files)

Most assignments that require large or multiple files to be submitted will use a Blackboard Assignment submission point. This tool allows for 100+MB files and a number of different files to be uploaded.

Upload submission

Step 1: Find your submission point

Find your submission point in the Course Content under Assessment. Each assignment will have a specific folder with all the assignment information including the brief and submission point.

Move down to the submission point and click on the title. The right-hand side panel will open, click the Start attempt button.

Step 2: Submit your work

Drag and drop your submission

When the submission point opens the information panel will remain on the right-hand side.

In the body of the page a rectangle sits under the statement “use this space to build your submission”. The text inside the box directs you to “drag and drop files here or click to add text”. Drag and drop your file or files here.

Text Editor option

If you click inside the submission rectangle it will convert to a text editor will all the standard text and formatting options.

  • Use the attach function on the top menu to attache a file or files
  • Use the plus icon to open the add media menu.
  • Use the Content Market to locate the YuJa media chooser if you need to add a video submission

Step 3: Submit your work

The submitted file will appear in the text editor. Use the scrolling bars to review your submission and check that it is the correct file.

When you are happy it is the correct file click Submit.

Multiple files in preview

When uploading multiple files, either with drag and drop or the attach function, it is best to upload them at the same time so that all files will open in preview a once.

Please note: if uploading files one at a time it is not possible to preview the 1st file (1) once you have uploaded the second (2).

Please check each preview between uploads or upload files all at once.


When you have clicked submit you will then receive a success message.

  • The message is a receipt of submission which you can Download or close
  • A receipt will be emailed directly to you as well as this opportunity to download.

Guide last updated on June 6, 2024

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