Home / Assessment / Turnitin Assignment / Submit to a Turnitin Assignment

Submit to a Turnitin Assignment

Upload submission

Step 1: Find your submission point

Find your assignment and click into the Turnitin link. This will open a side panel with further information about the submission dates and how long this is from the current date and whether you have submitted previously.

A Turnitin link in a Blackboard course.

Click Launch to open the Turnitin Assignment to submit your work. This will normally open in a new tab.

Step 2: Upload your submission

Click Upload Submission

Turnitin Assignment Upload Submission button.

The Submit File screen opens with the Upload Submission tab open. Text Input and Cloud Submission are explained in the other submission options section.

If this is a second attempt, you will see your previous submission and need to use the upload option to add a new file.

Showing the upload button in a turnitin area to the right of the similarity.

In the Upload Submission tab use the Chose File button to upload your file from your local computer.

  1. Submission Title
    If you have been given instructions about what title you should use (for instance student number and assignment name) please enter this here. Otherwise you can leave this field blank – the submission title will then become the filename of the file you upload.
  2. Choose File
    Click on this button to browse for the file you wish to upload.
    Alternatively, simply drag and drop the file from your computer.
  3. Upload and Review
    Click here when you are ready to upload the file.
Steps one, two and three of uploading a file to Turnitin.

Your submission is not complete when you upload the file – you still need to press Submit to Turnitin on the next screen.

Step 3: Submit your work

To complete the upload, Click Submit to Turnitin.

Review screen in Turnitin. Press button Submit to Turnitin to submit.

You will be shown and Submission Complete confirmation message in the submission box.

Submission Complete message.

Other Submission Options

In the Submit File page the Upload Submission tab is open by default. There are two other tabs, Text Input and Cloud Submission they offer other ways to submit.

Text Input

This will not normally be appropriate, but you can choose to type (or paste) your submission directly into Turnitin.

Text Input window for Turnitin

Cloud Submission

If you do not have the file on your local device, you can submit direct from

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • MS OneDrive (either your personal OneDrive account, or your University of Reading OneDrive).
Cloud Submission option in Turnitin .

The first time you upload from the Cloud you will need to give Turnitin permission to access your files. You can remove these permissions later if you wish – for OneDrive go to https://myapps.microsoft.com

Guide last updated on April 26, 2024

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