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Tips when making video files for assessment

When creating video for assessment, you will need to upload your video to YuJa and submit to a Blackboard Assignment using the YuJa Media Chooser. You will not be able to upload video files directly to the submission point.

Tips on recording your videos with various tools available to you.

Recording with PowerPoint

Microsoft guide: How to make a PowerPoint with audio narration.

When it comes to exporting your presentation into a video file format for submission, it is important to make a decision about the output settings. By default, PowerPoint video files are produced in HD and could produce very large files that you will find difficult to submit.

PowerPoint does have additional settings that will make the file-size smaller, so do use these when you’re exporting your video.

Turn your PowerPoint into a video (Microsoft 365):

  1. Click File on the menu
  2. Select Export
  3. Select Create a Video
  4. You will see a dropdown menu that says the video will render in Full HD (1080p), change this to HD (720p) or Standard (480p)
    1. For longer videos (15+ minutes) select Standard (480p) but if you render in HD (720p) for any video length and the file size is over 200MB consider doing it again in Standard (480p) to get a smaller video size.

Microsoft guide: Turn your presentations into a video.

Recording with your mobile phone or tablet device

If recording with your own device camera, you will have a variety of different settings depending on the device that you are using. Apple & Android devices will typically have settings you can change before you start recording,  which will let you record at different resolutions, with the typical standard being Full HD (1080p) and other options to raise or lower that. Select a lower resolution (720p or 480p) before you start recording.

You can:

Be careful using your mobile device or phone to record they can produce different types of video file format that YuJa may not accept.

Top Tips when uploading video files to YuJa

  1. Try to keep the file-size as small as you can without losing quality. Bigger file sizes will take longer to upload.
  2. Submit early when your assignment is video-based, do not risk running out the clock and leave yourself time to render again to a smaller file size if you need to.
  3. YuJa accepts many different file types, check your assignment brief to see if a specific file type has been specified.


Guide last updated on December 2, 2022

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