Home / Assessment / View Rubric – Bb Assignments, Tests, Discussion, Journal

View Rubric – Bb Assignments, Tests, Discussion, Journal

With any of the Blackboard internal assessment tools a Marking rubric may be used. If so it is important that you view the rubric before completing the assignment.

View Rubric

  • Step 1: Click on the submission point. A panel will open on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Step 2: Click on the Marking rubric link
  • Step 3: Open Rubric

    Open the rubric

    When the link to the rubric is clicked the right-hand side panel will change to show the rubric details

    • (a) The rubric criteria will list (closed) in the panel. Click on the arrow to open.
    • (b) The scales of each criteria will open beneath the criteria heading and will have a description of how that level will be reached.
    • (c) There will be a score next to the description. If the rubric is being used quantitatively that score will be zero.
    • (d) All the unopened criteria will remain in the list only showing the title and what percentage of the mark this criteria contributes to.

    Submission Details & Information

    Other information in the right-hand panel can be important.

    • (e) Assessment due date – due date and time
    • (f) Attempts – you will usually be given multiple attempts, the exact number will be stated here
    • (g) Marking – most assignments will be marked out of 100 but some may be different
    • (h) Description – specific text regarding this submission – also appear under submission point

    Guide last updated on April 8, 2024

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