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View Turnitin Rubric, Instructions and Settings

The submission point will be available in good time before the submission deadline you can entered it to see important information such as the marking Rubric (if one is being used), submission dates and any submission instructions.

Check submission details at any time before the deadline, once the submission point is visible.

Find and open submission details tab

Open submission point

Open the submission point by navigating to the Assessment area and the specific assignment folder.

Click on the assignment title to open, in the right-hand panel click Launch.

Open submission details tab

Once the submission point has opened click on the submission title or arrow icon to open the submission point details tabs.

View Rubric

If a Rubric is being used for this submission it will be listed under the title GradeMark rubric.

  • Click on the Rubric which will appear next to the rubric icon rubric icon .
  • The Rubric will open in a pop-up window.

The rubric will have a list of criteria along the left-hand side. The top bar will have a list of scales. Use this grid to see what is expected for each criteria to meet each point on the scale.

Submission Instructions

In the top-left hand corner of the assessment information tab is the heading Instructions. These will be written for this specific assessment.

These instructions will be a reminder just before you submit. Please see your assessment brief for a full explanation or what is required for the assessment.

Submission Date

The submissions information will include the dates for the assessment.

  • Start Date – this is the date the submission point will be open and visible to students.
  • Due Date – this is the deadline. After this date submissions will either be not allowed or marked as late, depending whether late submissions are allowed.
  • Feedback Release Date – this is the date when your feedback and marks will be released, this may change if there is a delay in the marking process.
  • Max Points – This will normally be set at 100 but may be different for specific assessments.

Additional Settings

The additional settings will let you know when similarity reports will be available, how many attempts you are allowed and whether late submission are allowed.

  • Similarity reports – available or not, after submission or after the due date
  • Resubmissions – allowed or disallowed
  • Late submissions – allowed or disallowed

Guide last updated on March 27, 2024

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