Mode of Submission: Duplicate submission (Turnitin)

Type of Submission Mode of submission to select in RISIS What’s provisioned on Blackboard Channel for feedback Mark Entry
Duplicate submission (Turnitin) Turnitin duplicate submission Weighted Column Hard copy document and/or electronic feedback via Turnitin Feedback Studio Turnitin

To be used when exactly the same piece of work is submitted physically and to Turnitin – most commonly for dissertations when both an electronic and printed copy is required.

This mode of submission could also be used e.g. in Typography, where students are required to hand in a printed book, and also submit an electronic copy as a PDF.


This option may also be used to support reasonable adjustments for staff.

  • The student hands in the assignment electronically and an additional copy is printed by Administrative staff.
  • The student must not be asked to print additional copies.
  • The electronic copy is used for the date/time of submission to calculate late penalties. The marker needs to ensure that the hard copy submission is the same as the online submission.


Further guidance

Turnitin Assignment

EMA Integration: Turnitin Assignments

Page last updated on December 19, 2018 by Sev Raychev

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