Blackboard Learn: Course statistics and reports

You can run various reports inside your course to view information about course usage and student activity. Course Reports Go to Control Panel > Evaluation > Course Reports You will find details of all of the reports available on this Blackboard Help page: Course Reports Some of the more useful reports are listed below. All User Activity inside Content Areas This allows you to see at a glance which content areas of your course are most visited. The report excludes areas associated with Blackboard Tools e.g. Announcements and Discussion Boards. Course Activity Overview This shows time spent in the course. You get a summary showing access by day of the week and then a chart showing how long each student spent in the course. Click on a student’s name and you get a report of their individual activity. Overall Summary of User Activity This is probably the most comprehensive report. It displays user activity for all areas of the course, as well as activity dates, times and days of the week. However the amount of data shown – especially if you run the report for a long period, for the whole class – can make it quite confusing. At the bottom of the report it shows the total number of hits on the course in the selected period, which you might find useful. Hits are also shown by time of day and day of the week. Single Course User Participation Report This produces an Excel file showing a summary of student engagement with Blackboard assignments, tests and tools such as discussion boards and blogs. Unfortunately it does not include Turnitin assignments in the submission data. Student Overview for Single Course This shows a summary of a student’s activity in the course, and a breakdown of the content items they accessed, and when.   Within a course, usage data is only available for the last 180 days. Reports in Blackboard do not capture access via the mobile app, only on hits made using a web browser.   See also Statistics Tracking on Content Items Tracking attendance at live interactive sessions Blackboard Collaborate: monitoring attendance Microsoft Teams: recording attendance Page last updated on April 26, 2021 by andyturner