A project to implement the transition from Blackboard Learn (our Virtual Learning Environment) to the improved version: Blackboard Learn Ultra concluded in October 2024. Blackboard Ultra retains familiar aspects but has a more usable and intuitive interface and introduced new features and functionality. Organisation spaces were moved to Ultra ready for use in September 2023. Blackboard Courses (modules) began to use Ultra for the start of the 2024/25 academic year. This page provides information about the project and links to other key pages.
What is Blackboard Learn Ultra?
For information on what and who was involved, and the rationale for this work and its timing, please see: Blackboard Learn Ultra – an improved version of Blackboard Learn.
The Blackboard Learn Ultra project timeline was aligned with the implementation of the Portfolio Review Pathway (PRP). This meant that whilst you were producing your modules ready to be taught in 2024/25, you could also consider the new features and options in Blackboard Learn Ultra. The high-level timeline was:
- for the start of academic year 2023/24: All Blackboard Organisations (for supporting learning beyond a module) were moved to Blackboard Learn Ultra.
- for the start of academic year 2024/25: Blackboard Courses (for all modules) used Blackboard Learn Ultra (to correspond with when the new PRP-redesigned modules started being taught).
Course Template
Moving to Blackboard Ultra provided an opportunity to agree and introduce an institutional level course template to improve consistency and the student experience. Find out more.
Project Champions
There was a community of Ultra Champions comprised of colleagues from across the university, providing a forum to share experiences and ideas around Blackboard Learn Ultra and an opportunity to engage with new and existing features. The Blackboard Learn Ultra Project Champions page provides more information.
Other useful info?
- See Quick steps to getting your Blackboard Ultra Course ready for the essentials on preparing your Ultra Course.
- See Video Tours of Blackboard Ultra Courses for advice from colleagues in various disciplines who have planned and built an Ultra Course.
- A comprehensive bookable programme of staff development including demonstrations, guidance and training is running. It is designed to support and enable you to take advantage of what Ultra has to offer.
- See Getting up and running with your Ultra course for details on our 4-phase approach (Discover, Plan, Build, Teach) to help get you up and running with Ultra.
- Our Feature Comparison page outlines the similarities and differences in features between Blackboard Learn Original and Ultra.
- See Ultra FAQs for answers to the most commonly asked questions about Ultra.
Who do I contact?
If you have any questions about Blackboard Learn Ultra, please log via the DTS Self-Service Portal.
Project updates and communications
The Ultra Communications & Updates page provides a directory of all Ultra project communications, and you can catch up on Ultra’s monthly features updates on the dedicated blog page.
You can also find the latest updates by browsing the Blackboard Learn Ultra Project category on the TEL Blog. To receive direct email updates about all TEL news, please subscribe to the TEL Blog.