Turnitin is a web-based e-assessment tool that is fully integrated into Blackboard. It allows for the marking of electronically submitted assignments. It can be used to:
- Mark and provide feedback on students’ work online (using the Feedback Studio)
- Automatically check the originality of students’ work (using the Similarity Report).
One Turnitin assignment submission point can be used to perform either or both of these tasks.
Using Turnitin is an efficient and convenient way to handle the submission and marking of formative or summative coursework by individual students.
Turnitin provides the following features:
- Single file submission up to 40MB
- Anonymous marking
- Inline grading (on-screen view of the submitted assignment with the ability to annotate the paper)
- Reusable comments (called QuickMarks)
- Offline marking using the iPad mobile app.
On the Blackboard Help site for staff, you can access step-by-step guides on different aspects of using Turnitin, including:
- Setting up assignments
- Marking assignments and giving feedback
- Turnitin Rubrics
- Turnitin Similarity Report.