accessible blackboard courses
The course content and way in which your course is structured are central to the accessibility and usability of your Blackboard course. Things to consider might include the following:
- The programme team adopting a default menu structure to increase consistency and assist all students in navigating courses. (Read CQSD's suggested default menu structure with suggestions for what each section could contain).
- Naming content areas, folders and items meaningfully so students can find relevant information quickly.
- Arranging information by importance.
- Adding succinct descriptions to items so students know what they will find when they open it and how you expect them to engage with it.
- Keeping resources and web links up-to-date.
- Hiding empty folders and unused tools.
- Making sure the layout and availability of content complements the delivery of the module.
- Stating how you intend to use the Blackboard course and setting expectations for engagement.
- Signposting where to find essential content.
- Making sure that if links open in a new window this is clearly stated.
- Being aware that external content may not always be accessible.
Blackboard is designed to be accessible and is developed in accordance with internationally recognised web content guidelines. Use the links in the 'Useful Resources' box to learn more about Blackboard and accessibility.