Updates to modules as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The information on this website is currently under review to ensure it aligns with plans for implementing the T&L Framework for 2021/22.
Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the situation related to COVID-19, Schools have an opportunity to make reasonable changes to the published teaching approach where necessary as a result of COVID-19 to avoid detriment to students and the University’s approach to it and where this reasonable change is warranted by their chosen pedagogic approach. Schools will have to take all reasonable steps to mitigate negative impacts on the student arising from this changed teaching approach.
In order to administer and approve these changes, and to ensure compliance, the following quality assurance process is to be followed:
1. Significant changes to programmes, which affect programme specifications
Significant changes to programmes, which affect programme specifications, need to be approved by UPB – see the flowchart below. There will be a statement included on the Programme Specifications webpage to direct students to a specific page covering changes necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes, as well as other material changes to programme and teaching information, will also need to be notified to students following an agreed process which will be managed centrally.
Programme Directors will be contacted (and separately to the requests made by email) to ask them for the details of any material changes that are going to be made to part 2,3,4 or PGT programmes as a result of COVID-19 (guidance on which changes amount to ‘material changes’ will be provided to programme directors). The process of collating and then communicating these material changes to students is separate from the MDF change process set out in section 2 below. Both processes need to be completed.
The following flowchart outlines the UPB process (click on the image to enlarge):
2. Changes to Module Description Forms (MDFs)
Changes to MDFs should form the exception and will normally need to be approved by SDTLs acting on behalf of the Board of Studies and School Board for Teaching and Learning and Student Experience. Module convenors need to request changes by 19th August 2020 via this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=xDv6T_zswEiQgPXkP_kOX5N4a-It3TNPsimwhxSArJ9UQTROQkNaMDNRMENDQkhXU1NNR0w2QlNFQiQlQCN0PWcu
The changes will then be reviewed by the relevant SDTL and ratified by the respective TLD. We aim to publish these changes to the students by the 25th August and no changes are possible after this date. It should be noted that:
a. Centrally a webpage will be created (to be approved by Legal Services) outlining general changes to our teaching, e.g. that lecture material is provided generally online, seminars might be offered as interactive online sessions, etc.
b. There is an expectation that the learning outcomes as stated in the MDFs will not be altered.
c. Learning hours as listed per MDF should normally still be met being cognisant that the actual delivery mode may differ from the published MDF. Further information is provided in Annex 2.
d. There is an expectation that assessment practices should wherever possible follow existing MDFs. Assessment may be adapted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic where there is a valid pedagogical reason for doing so and where the current situation does not allow for the existing approach. For example, written assignments which can be submitted and uploaded via Blackboard in the usual way should not be changed, but unseen timed in-class tests that would normally have been conducted at a specific time and place under test conditions may require an alternative approach. Changes to assessment which do not impact on the MDF should be considered first. Please refrain from introducing participation or engagement marks.
Changes to Field trips, External visits and work-based learning
Changes to Field trips, External visits and work-based learning are classified as material changes and will be collated and communicated to students as part of the process set out in points 1 and 2 respectively.
Residential field classes should be run wherever possible, but overseas locations and support available in these areas should be monitored and reviewed carefully. Changes to locations, timings and content of the field classes should be approved at a School-level by the relevant SDTL and then passed to TLD for approval. An enhanced risk assessment, signed off by HoS, and insurance check will also need to be undertaken before going ahead.
Non-residential field visits/external visits/site visits should be run wherever it is practicable to do so. Some areas/institutions may no longer welcome visits from student parties, so please check before any activities are planned. Changes to modules where non-residential field visits were planned can be cancelled or moved following approval from the relevant SDTL and TLD. These changes may need be reviewed by Legal Services if they are significant.
Alternative assessments/virtual field classes can be used following approval for any changes (as noted above). Please consult CQSD for advice on creation of these as there are some good practice examples available if needed.
Further advice from CQSD-ADE: Guidance on moving assessment online
The Academic Development and Enhancement team in CQSD will be happy to advise if you wish to discuss adapting your assessment: cqsd-ade@reading.ac.uk
If changes to assessments are proposed, which have contractual implications, they will need to be approved at School-level by the relevant SDTL and reported to CQSD. Details of significant changes to assessment will be collated and communicated to students through the process set out under point 1 and 2 respectively. Approval for the change will be required from the relevant TLD. These changes will be published alongside the current MDFs in the form of a spreadsheet. Students may need to be informed that assessments to their modules have changed.
3. Module Roadmaps and Weekly Learning Plans
Each module convenor must create a module roadmap to provide students with a conceptual overview of how the module will look in blended mode. This should be accompanied by a weekly learning plan or similar to provide students with clear signposting about their learning activities for the week. These must be published to students on the module Blackboard site. Templates, exemplars and guidance for use are available from the Module Roadmaps page.
In exceptional cases, online only courses may need to be established: Any programmes deciding to be delivered as distance- or online-only courses require approval from UPB following the usual processes.
4. Contact Hours
The following PDF outlines principles and expectations for contact hours for the Autumn Term.
Contact hours- including changes to field trips and experiential learning