Module Evaluations
End-of-module evaluations are an important mechanism to allow students to feedback their experiences of a module. They provide opportunities for staff and students to work in partnership to identify “what works” and support enhancements to teaching and learning. The module evaluation team manage surveys across the University including partner and branch campuses (excluding Henley Greenlands).
The module evaluation process
Evaluation timescales
Normally, module evaluation surveys open in teaching week 9 in the Autumn and Spring terms and are open for 3 weeks in total. For the Summer Term and Summer vacation, evaluations are less standard, and timescales are agreed with Schools in advance. There are bespoke arrangements in place for several modules where these standard timings do not fit with the teaching on a module. If there are specific arrangements for the evaluation of your module that need to be accommodated, please contact the module evaluation team ( who will aim to ensure the timing is optimised according to your module requirements.
What questions do we ask our students?
A. Core questions
From 2022/23, all surveys consist of six core quantitative questions along with two core qualitative questions.
- The content on this module (e.g. the reading list, sources studied, ideas presented) offered a range of perspectives.
- Staff were good at explaining things.
- I understood what was required of me to complete my assessment.
- I received useful feedback (consider both formal and informal feedback).
- The module was well organised.
- The resources on Blackboard for this module supported my learning well.
- What did you value most about this module? (you may wish to expand on one of the questions above, or tell us about something we haven’t asked about)
- Suggest ways in which the module could be improved to enhance your learning (you may wish to expand on one of the questions above, or tell us about something we haven’t asked about)
B. Supplementary questions
In addition to the 8 core questions, Schools are able to select up to four supplementary quantitative questions from the question bank for each of their questionnaire templates. These four questions can be changed every two years.
The quantitative questions use a 5-point Likert scale (from strongly disagree to strongly agree) to measure student opinion. The qualitative questions are free text and provide an opportunity for students to give a more detailed response.
Distribution of surveys
All modules are evaluated online using evasys software.
Students are sent an email for every module evaluation they are requested to complete. This email includes a link to the student module evaluation portal ( where a student will find all module evaluations which are open to them at that time. Should a student experience any problems with the portal, a unique link is also provided to take a student directly to the survey for that module.
The module convenor will receive an email notification when a survey has opened in addition to a notification mid-way through the module (if the response rate is below 50%), and when the survey has closed.
Module Evaluation Staff Portal
The Module Evaluation Staff Portal gives module convenors an overview of the surveys for which they are responsible. It can be found at and staff should log in using their University username and password. Within the Portal, staff are able to:
- Access information on current evaluations (e.g. open/close dates and number of participants)
- View a copy of the survey
- View a QR code for the student module evaluation portal (which can be displayed to students)
- Monitor live response rates
- Download a copy of the evaluation report once the survey has closed
- Close the feedback loop with students (please see section below)
- Download reports for historical surveys
To encourage student engagement, staff are encouraged to open the Module Evaluation Staff Portal during a suitable teaching session and display the QR code to students. Students can scan this QR code to access their evaluation. Staff can monitor completion in class.
Training documentation is available in the ‘Guidance and Support’ section below.
Response rates
To encourage student engagement, staff are encouraged to open the Module Evaluation Staff Portal during a suitable teaching session and display the QR code to students. Students can scan this QR code to access their evaluation. Staff can monitor completion in class.
Following correspondence with Schools, and individual module convenors, who achieved high response rates in Autumn 2021, a best practice guide was developed to share ideas on encouraging student participation with module evaluations.
Closing the feedback loop
It’s important that we demonstrate to students that we have listened to their feedback, so it is crucial that we close the feedback loop following an end-of-module evaluation.
Once Module Convenors have received the end of evaluation report, they should log into the Module Evaluation Staff Portal and complete the reflection questions in response to the comments raised. This is a two stage process: once convenors have answered the reflection questions, they should tick the ‘reflections ready to be published’ box and then click ‘Send Student Feedback Report’. This will distribute the quantitative data and reflections to all students via email. Module Convenors should normally aim to complete this feedback within two weeks of the evaluation closing date.
Report distribution
Once an evaluation closes, the Module Convenor will receive a notification email along with a pdf report of the full results. These reports should not be shared with students as they contain the free text comments.
Confidentiality of responses
Students complete module evaluations confidentially and their name/student ID will not be included in any reports distributed to Schools.
In the unlikely event that a student becomes identifiable through the qualitative feedback given, they must not be approached, and the feedback should be treated anonymously.
How the data will be disseminated within Schools
School/Department Directors of Teaching and Learning (and other senior colleagues as approved by the DTL) will have access to a copy of the evaluation report once a survey has closed. They will also have access to a Module Evaluation dashboard. Quantitative data are also shared with Support Centres for onward distribution at Board of Studies and Student Experience meetings and Student-Staff Partnership Groups.
Information for DTLs
The Module Evaluation Administrative Portal gives Directors of Teaching and Learning (and other staff as approved by the relevant DTL) an overview of all evaluations within their School. It provides DTLs with greater autonomy over their data and removes the requirement for the manual generation of reports by CQSD.
Guidance documents on the Administrative Portal are available on the Module Evaluation MS Teams channel. Access to this is restricted and requests should be submitted to the module evaluation inbox (
What is the purpose of module evaluation?
The purpose of module evaluations is to gather feedback from students on their experience of a module, identify areas for improvement and share examples of good practice. Module evaluations provide opportunities for Schools to work collaboratively with students to improve teaching and learning.
How are surveys distributed to students?
Students will be sent an email for every module evaluation they are requested to complete. This email includes a link to the student module evaluation portal ( where a student will find all module evaluations which are open to them at that time.
Will I be notified when a survey opens and closes?
Module Convenors receive an email at the time a survey opens and closes.
What do I need to do once my survey ends?
Once a survey closes, Module Convenors should complete the reflection questions on the Module Evaluation Staff Portal. They will then be able to send their reflections, along with the quantitative data from the survey to students.
What is Closing the Feedback loop?
This term is used to describe the process of responding to the issues raised by students in the evaluations, addressing their concerns and acknowledging areas for improvement. This is an essential part of the module evaluation process as it demonstrates to students that we listen to their feedback and act upon it where possible. Module Convenors should close the feedback loop by completing the reflection questions on the Module Evaluation Staff Portal. They will then be able to send their reflections, along with the quantitative data from the survey to students.
How long will my survey stay open?
Normally, evaluations are open for a period of 3 weeks.
How are the start and end dates agreed?
The start and end dates for evaluations are agreed with the relevant School/Department Director of Teaching and Learning at the beginning of the academic year. In some cases, bespoke arrangements can be agreed, and Module Convenors should contact their DTL to discuss these ahead of the start of the year.
Can I change the questions within my survey templates?
The questions are agreed with the relevant School/Department Director of Teaching and Learning on a biennial basis, normally during the summer vacation period. If a Module Convenor has concerns over the questions included within a survey template, these should be discussed with the DTL in the first instance.
How can I improve response rates?
There are several ways to improve response rates and the Module Evaluation Team have produced a ‘Best Practice Guide’ which offers some practical initiatives which Module Convenors could adopt.
Guidance and Support
Student Evaluation Policy
The Student Evaluation Policy is available here
How to use the module evaluation staff portal
A one-page overview of the module evaluation staff portal is available here.
More detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the module evaluation staff portal are available here.
Alternatively, these short videos take you through how to use the portal:
Video 1 – Viewing survey information and encouraging student completion
Video 2 – Closing the feedback loop and accessing reports
Guidance on answering reflection questions
It is important that you close the feedback loop with students by answering the reflection questions after each module evaluation, and send you responses to your students. Guidance on completing the questions is available here.
How students access their surveys
Students access their surveys via the student module evaluation portal. If you need to help a student find their survey, please refer to this guidance document for instructions and screenshots.
Best practice guide
This ‘Best Practice Guide’ provides some suggestions that may help to encourage students to complete their evaluations. It was put together using feedback from staff and students.
Contact Details
If you have any questions about the module evaluation process, please contact the team at