Accessibility Features in Blackboard Learn

The University of Reading is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive learning environment which offers all of our learners the opportunity to maximise their academic potential. This commitment is set out in the Policy on Inclusive Practice in Teaching and Learning, and applies equally to Blackboard, the University’s Virtual Learning Environment.

Please see the University of Reading Blackboard VLE Accessibility Statement which covers Blackboard and related tools including Turnitin, Gradescope and Stream.


Information on accessibility features within Blackboard can be found on the Blackboard help page Accessibility Features in Blackboard Learn

This page includes specific information for users with a hearing impairment, visual impairment, mobility impairment, or learning disability.


The University Library has produced an Inclusive technology guide which includes details of assistive technologies and free features in browsers, Windows, and Microsoft Office applications that can support you working online.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

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