Home / Assessment / How to submit a video to a Blackboard assignment

How to submit a video to a Blackboard assignment

There are three stages to submitting a video to a Blackboard assessment such as an Assignment, Discussion or Journal.

Stage One: Prepare or convert your file

Stage Two: Upload your video to YuJa

Stage Three: Submit your video to a Blackboard assessment

Stage One: Prepare or convert your file

Depending on how you have created your presentation, you may need to download it from the software you created it in or convert it to a video file format to upload it to YuJa.

For advice on creating your video please see our guide Tips when creating videos for assessment.

Important: Convert your narrated PowerPoint into a video (MP4) before uploading to YuJa.

The file you upload to YuJa must be a video (e.g. MP4) or audio file (e.g. MP3).

Stage Two: Upload Your Video to YuJa

Watch: Our Video How to Guide

Step 1: Access YuJa

You can access YuJa via the link in your Blackboard course for your module or directly via reading.yuja.com.

Step 2: Select Upload

Go to Manage Media and select Upload from the top menu.

Step 3: Add Schema Tags

On the Upload screen you need to add the Schema Tag ‘Assessment’ in order to upload your work.

  • Click Add Schema Tags
  • Select Assessment from the drop down menu
  • Save

Step 4: Upload File

  • Drag and drop your video file onto the Upload window (a) or use the Browse option to upload files from your local computer (b).
  • YuJa accepts many different file types, check your assignment brief to see if a specific file type has been specified.
  • The video will upload immediately, but will take some while to finish processing.
Be aware: You do not have to wait for the video to finish processing before submitting it to Blackboard assignment.

Stage Three: Submit your video to a Blackboard Assignment, Discussion or Journal

Once you have uploaded your video to YuJa you can return to your course and submit it to the assessment. There is no need to wait for the video to finish processing.

Step 5: Access your assignment, discussion or journal in your Blackboard course.

You will find your assessment link in the area name Assessment, in a folder with the specific assessment name.

A blackboard assignment in the course content . Start Attempt

Step 6: Open the insert content menu and select Content Market

In your assignment or discussion/journal, enter the text editor and click the Insert Content button, a plus sign icon, in the answer area.

Select Content Market.

screenshot of Journal text editor with add content menu opened and Content Market circled.

Step 7: Select Insert Video (YuJa) from the Content Market

The Content Market will open. Locate and select Insert Video (YuJa) to access your videos in YuJa

Screenshot of Content Market page - student view with Insert Video YuJa circled.

Step 8: Locate and insert your video in the YuJa Media Chooser

The YuJa Media Chooser will open, locate your video, you may need to use the search function.

Select the Video you wish to submit, it is okay to select a video while it is still processing, click Insert Content.

YuJa media chooser list if videos. Selecting and video and Insert Content Button highlighted.

Choose your display name. Click Insert.

Display Name Pop up

Step 9: Add any further text or files as required then Submit/Post.

Add any further content you need such as further text or files within the submission box.

You can now submit your Assignment or Discussion/Journal post.

Embedded Video displaying and Submit button

Guide last updated on November 27, 2024

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