The Gradebook tab can be found on the top menu on your course.
When something new has been added to the Gradebook, such as new marks and feedback being posted, a notification will appear next to the Gradebook tab, the number indicates how many new items you have to view.
- The Gradebook
- Viewing Turnitin feedback
- Viewing feedback in Blackboard tools (Assignment, tests, Discussion and Journals)
The Gradebook
In the Gradebook you will see an overview of all your course assignments, unless they have been hidden from students for administrative reasons. Any marks will be posted here.
- (a) New items will be indicated by a purple dot to the left of the item name.
- (b) The Mark column will show either the mark or the submission status (not submitted/submitted/not marked) or the mark given.
- (c) For some assessment types a feedback icon will appear in the feedback column (this will not be the case for Turnitin or Gradescope)

Viewing Turnitin feedback
For Turnitin Assignments click on the item name or the mark. A panel will open on the right-hand side of the screen, click on Launch.
Turnitin will open.
- (d) Click on the submission title, the submission will open in the feedback studio where you can view your feedback.
- (e) Resubmission button will be blocked after the due date.
- (f) Download a copy of your submission (from the feedback studio you can download the submission with annotations)
- (g) Download a copy of the submission receipt.

Viewing Blackboard feedback
For Blackboard tools you will see a purple feedback icon (c) in the feedback column.
- Blackboard tools
- Assignment
- Test
- Discussions
- Journals
There are two ways to access your feedback (g) click on the item name (h) click on the purple feedback icon in the feedback column.

Access via item name (g)
When you click on the item name the assessment panel will open and you can access your submission, including the feedback.
When the panel opens you can click on the your mark area (i) or the view submissions button (j). Either place will open your submission and feedback.

Access via feedback icon (h)
When you click on the feedback icon a panel will open with your mark and feedback details.
- (k) General additional feedback – this is not the feedback on your submission, not all markers will choose to add feedback here.
- (l) Attempts will be listed below – attempts that have been marked will have a purple feedback icon.

Click on the Attempt with the mark to open your submission and see the feedback added to your submission.
Your submission and feedback
There may be summary feedback, annotations, feedback per questions etc. depending on the individual tool. Your marker may not used all the avenues available.
- Attempt Feedback for this attempt. This might be the only feedback used if only one submission version is marked.
- The rubric provides details of how you met the marking criteria . This might also help calculate your mark.
- Overall feedback might be used if multiple Attempt Feedback is used.

Guide last updated on September 27, 2024