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Viewing Tests Marks and Feedback

Marks and feedback for summative work will normally be provided after fifteen working days from the deadline. There are some exceptions to this such as modules with particularly large cohorts.

Find and access marked work

The submission point will need to be visible to students for you to be able to access the marks and feedback. If they are hidden during marking they will be made available on the marks release date and time.

Access from the Course Content

Assignments are found in the area called Assessment in the Course Content. Each Assignment as a specific folder where you will find the submission point. To view your marks and feedback click on the assignment title.

The View submission panel will open on the right-hand side of the page.

Access from Gradebook

Open the Gradebook, find the link on the top menu. In the Gradebook find the assignment and click on any of the following:

  • (a) Assignment title
  • (b) Marks
  • (c) Feedback icon

The View submission panel will open on the right-hand side of the page.

View Submission panel

To open the submission and view your feedback click on View Submissions, the marks or the feedback icon.

  • (a) Assessment due date – information here will indicate if late submission are not permitted.
  • (b) Assessment Results
  • (c) View Submission button
  • (d) The mark
  • (e) The feedback icon

Assessment Results

There are a few different settings available to the marker regarding what and when the assessment results will appear.

  • Submission View – automated feedback, scores and answer availability conditions will apply after the student submission is visible.
  • Automated Questions Feedback – available on DATE
  • Question Scores – available on DATE
  • Correct Answers – available on DATE

If the Submission View date has not passed the submission will open but the test will be hidden.

View Feedback

Once the marked submission is opened you will be able to view your feedback in a number of ways. Please note, your marker may not use all the feedback tools.

  • (a) Marks
  • (b) Notification if feedback has been left for Essay questions text states “Your instructor added question feedback to this assessment”
  • (c) Feedback for Essay questions
  • (d) Summary Feedback

Summary Feedback

The feedback panel will contain the summary feedback for your work. The marker may have provided this in one of a number of ways:

  • (a) Typed text
  • (b) Audio recording
  • (c) Attached file

View marks

The marks are visible in the opened submission in the top right-hand corner. Marks can also be seen in the Gradebook or View submission panel without opening your marked submission.


Assignment View submission panel

Guide last updated on April 8, 2024

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