Blackboard Tests and Surveys: Getting Started

Important information!Remote teaching and online assessment: in most cases Blackboard Tests are being used in place of on-campus exams and in-class tests, where appropriate..
Please look at the following page for specific advice about:
* In-class Tests
* Take Home Exams

You can use Blackboard to set online tests or surveys for your students. The features and setting for both tools are similiar.



Formative tests can be useful to check and reinforce student learning, or as a revision aid. Online tests can also be used for formal assessment to produce a mark.

There are around 20 different types of test question available within Blackboard, including some of the most commonly used:

  • Multiple Choice (only one of the answers shown is correct)
  • Multiple Answer (the correct answer requires more than one of the choices shown to be ticked)
  • Calculated Formula
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Short Answer

To set up and use a Test in Blackboard involves three main steps:

  1. Create a test and add the questions.
  2. Deploy the test to make it available for students to take (including choosing the settings that determine how and when students can take the test).
  3. View the test results in the Grade Centre (and mark questions any questions that cannot be marked automatically, for example, short answer questions).

See Blackboard Tests Overview to find out how.

Features include:

  • Reusable question pools.
  • Moving and copying tests between courses.
  • Timed tests.
  • Availabilty exceptions for individual students with specific requirements.



Surveys in Blackboard has the same features and setting as Tests. The differences are:

  • Survey questions do not specify a right or wrong answer and are not marked.
  • Students’ answers to survey questions are always anonymous. They is no way to determine which students have responded.

Results of a survey can be found in the Grade Centre. Survey responses can be downloaded from Blackboard for detailed analysis.

Blackboard Surveys: How to view results of a Blackboard Survey

Page last updated on March 3, 2023 by Peter Moll

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