Mode of Submission: Physical Entity Submission (Non-electronic)

Type of Submission Mode of submission to select in RISIS What’s provisioned on Blackboard Channel for feedback Mark Entry
Physical Entity Submission (Non-electronic) Blackboard Physical entity submission – non electronic Manual Column Physical Entity Annotated


Blackboard Grade Centre

Feedback via the manual column, using general comments, with an attached file or Rubric.


Includes any physical submission e.g. Notebook, Field notes, Art exhibition, Lab books/reports, in-class tests completed on paper, Maths assignments completed by hand.

There is no online submission for this option.

Caution!Update 02/10/2020:
The University Board for Teaching, Learning & Student Experience (UBTLSE) has agreed that temporarily, for the 2020/21 academic year, all coursework should be submitted online, except in a small number of cases where online submission is technically not possible or is not consistent with the fair assessment of the work.


Anonymous offline marking supported 

It is possible to mark the physical entity anonymously e.g. feedback can be provided directly on a Maths hard copy submission.

When marking is complete, the name on the physical coversheet can be revealed, allowing marks to be entered into the Grade Centre column.


  • A grade centre column is created in Blackboard
  • The student adds their Name and student ID to the coversheet and attaches this to the Physical entity prior to manual submission at Support Centre.


Marks are entered in a Grade Centre manual column.

Late penalties:

To track late submissions use the date and time for the manual submission of the physical entity in the drop box provided at the Support Centre.


Further guidance

Blackboard Grade Centre

EMA Integration: Manual Columns

Page last updated on July 27, 2023 by andyturner

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