YuJa Connector

What is the YuJa Connector tool?

Live from 31st August 2023, the YuJa Connector is a brand new feature that allows for better integration between Blackboard Collaborate and your YuJa Media Library.

Recordings taken in Collaborate scheduled Sessions will now seamlessly transfer to YuJa, saving users time and providing an improved storage solution for your digital teaching and learning resources.

Additionally, since the Policy for the Recording of Teaching and Learning Activities (Learning Capture) states that T&L recordings must be stored in YuJa, the tool makes complying with this policy much easier for users, as YuJa will handle all the captioning for your recordings.

Please note that only recordings made via a scheduled Session will be transferred to YuJa, and any made via a Course Room will need to be uploaded to YuJa manually.      

Screenshot showing Create Session set up

How does it work?

You can continue using Collaborate for your online sessions, and once you have stopped recording the transfer process will begin automatically in the background, with no need for any further user intervention.

Collaborate chat will not be visible in the YuJa version. Users taking questions from the chat are recommended to read the question aloud before answering it.

You may need to allow up to 24 hours for the process to complete, especially where recordings are over an hour long. If you do not see your recording in YuJa after 24 hours, please submit a ticket via the DTS Self Service Portal.

You’ll find that a new folder called “My Blackboard Collaborate Recordings” has been created in your YuJa Media Library. This is where your Collaborate recordings will be stored.

Screenshot showing folders in Media library

Just like with any other video files you have in your Media Library, you can publish Collaborate recordings to your module channel for your students to access, or share them with colleagues within the University via direct links. YuJa will also handle all the captioning for your recordings, so you need not spend time doing this yourself.

What happens to my Collaborate recording?

All Collaborate recordings created from 31st August 2023 will be deleted in accordance with the following schedule:  

Month video was recorded  Deletion date 
September 2023   1st November 2023  
October 2023   1st December 2023  
November 2023   1st January 2024  
December 2023  1st February 2024  


This is an automatic process, removing the need for users to manage this themselves. Remember that you will still need to perform housekeeping for recordings made in a Course Room, and in line with the Policy for the Recording of Teaching and Learning Activities (Learning Capture).


Support and Feedback

If you need further assistance please feel free to raise a support ticket via the Self Service Portal.

To report a problem with this page, request alternative formats or to make suggestions please contact us.


Page last updated on November 1, 2023 by ollietaplin

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