What can I do if a student cannot see my Blackboard course?

  • Has your Blackboard course been made available, so that it is visible to students? See FAQ – How do I make my course available?
  • Are the students enrolled on the course? Within the course, go to the Course Management Control Panel, click Users and Groups > Users. You will see a list of everyone that is enrolled on the course.
  • If the student is listed and there is YES beside their name under the Available column, they should be able to see the course on Blackboard.
  • If the student is listed and there is a NO beside their name under the Available column, then another member of staff with the role of ‘Instructor’ on the course has prevented the student from accessing the course. You may need to check with other Instructors on the course to see why this has been done.
  • If the student is not listed on the course, you will need to contact an administrator to check their enrolment record on RISIS is correct and then wait for this to be updated in Blackboard.
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