Further support for curriculum review
Central support
CQSD's Teaching & Learning Programme offers a wide range of learning opportunities to suite everyone - whether new to the Curriculum Framework or those whose reviews are well established; those in teaching and learning leadership roles, and those more interested in how this plays out in their classrooms. There are events on a range of themes including: assessment and feedback; employability; globalisation; research and enquiry; student engagement; inclusivity; and leadership in a teaching and learning context.
People Development also provides an open programme and access to on-line training covering topics such as: project management; delegating; effective communication; and facilitating meetings.
The Library can also help Schools and Departments embed appropriate academic skills in their courses. It would be most effective to consider embedding this support throughout the curriculum, to enable progressive development across all levels of study, explicitly linked to learning outcomes and constructively aligned with course content, activities, and assessments. For practical examples of how Liaison Librarians and Study Advisers can support your curriculum review, see Implementing the Curriculum Framework - How can The Library_help?
While your Curriculum Review needs to be School-led, CQSD can provide ideas, advice and guidance on all aspects of teaching and learning throughout the process: from asking naïve but insightful questions at the outset; to supporting the sharing and dissemination of good practice arising from your review in later stages.
Support provided by CQSD may be via one-to-one meetings or contributions to School/Departmental/Programme-led workshops/events. Continued involvement of CQSD will also help in identifying the professional development needs of staff so that the ongoing support and resources provided centrally are fit for purpose.
In the first instance, please contact Nina Brooke (CQSD Lead - Curriculum Framework Project) who can support you in planning your approach to the review.
We also recommend that you involve the CQSD Technology Enhanced Learning team early on in your review so that the use of technology can be considered from the outset. Please contact Vicki Holmes (Head of Technology Enhanced Learning) in the first instance.
Once you have identified areas for enhancement, the CQSD Academic Development and Enhancement team can support you with your work aligned to specific strands of the Curriculum Framework. To find out who can support you click here