The Two markers per student function in Blackboard Assignment allows for a workflow which requires submissions to be reconciled, or second marked, before being available to post to students. This function is sometimes referred to a parallel marking.
Disabled assignment functions
When Two markers per student is selected in the Assignment settings the following functions will be disabled.
- Peer Review
- Delegated Marking
- Group Assignments
- Enable Turnitin – therefore a Turnitin Similarity Report can not be generated.
Rubrics can be enabled but there are some restrictions:
- The rubric calculated mark can not overridden by the marker or reconciler until they have been posted and are visible to students.
- The rubric will not be seen by anyone other than the marker using it.
- Other markers can not see your completed rubric
- The reconciler will see the score but not the rubric
- Students will only see their marks once they are posted by the reconciler and will not see either of the markers rubrics.
- The reconciler will have to use the rubric if one is attached and cannot override the mark.
Marking workflow limitations
The designated roles in the Two markers per student function are:
- Unassigned (b) – not involved in marking
- Markers (c) – provide marks and feedback (which is only seen by the reconciler) – can not see other markers notes
- Reconcilers (d) – This role allows you to view the markers feedback and give final marks and feedback
These roles work in a way that may not suit your preferred workflow.
- Each student will have two markers and a reconciler (unless just one marker is assigned)
- if more than two markers are assigned the system will distribute the markers evenly so that each student has two markers.
- It is only possible to be a marker or a reconciler at any given time in the workflow – not both
- Reconcilers can view the marks and feedback given by the markers but not the annotations or rubric.
- Students only see the mark, feedback and rubric from the reconciler
- The reconciler can see the markers feedback so could cut and paste comments from markers into their final feedback.
- Once the final marks have been posted markers can only see those final marks and feedback – they can not access their evaluations to edit them.
Workflow | Possible? | Comments |
One or multiple markers one Reconciler | Yes | Recommended – you can have multiple markers but the system will assign only two per student. |
One or multiple markers – multiple reconcilers | Yes | Making an administrator a reconciler will give them access to the marking details and markers comments |
Markers only | Yes | The set up will warn you that you have not assigned a reconciler – but will allow you to save. Without a reconciler you can not provide a final grade. |
Reconcilers only | Yes | The set up will warn you that you have not assigned a marker – but will allow you to save. Without a marker all reconcilers will be adding feedback to the same text box. Student will see all comments added to this space. |
One or multiple markers – then one or more change to reconcilers | Yes | If a marker is unassiged or their role is changed the mark and feedback will remain. Only reconcilers can see markers marks and feedback |
Enable Two markers
It is possible to enable Two makers per student when setting up the submission point or by editing the submission point. It is still possible to enable Two markers per student when submissions have been made to the submission point.
- Step 1: Select Two Marks per student
- Step 2: Assign Markers and Reconcilers
- Step 3: Save assigned roles
Step 1: Select Two markers per student
Go to the Blackboard Assignment settings panel, locate the Evaluation Options and select Two markers per student.
- Once selected the other options under Evaluation options will grey out.
- You will now need to click Assign markers (a) to complete the set up
- If you attempt to save without assigning markers a warning message will prompt you to assign markers.

Step 2: Assign markers and reconcilers
Click Assign Markers, this will take you to the a Assign Markers screen where you can assign roles to staff enrolled on the course.
Please note: Some of the course roles (instructor, teaching assistant etc.) will assign users to a role by default. You can un-assign these users and either leave them unassigned or assign them to a new role.
There are three categories to assign users to:
- Unassigned (b) – not involved in marking
- Markers (c) – provide marks and feedback (which is only seen by the reconciler) – can not see other markers notes
- Reconcilers (d) – This role allows you to view the markers feedback and give final marks and feedback
Assign any users in the Unassigned list as a Mark or a Reconciler using the three dot menu next to their name.

Change an assigned role
If an instructor is appearing as a reconciler or a marker and you wish to change them:
- Use the three dot menu to Unassign them (d).
- They will then be added to the Unassigned list (b).
- For any users in the unassigned list use the three dot menu to assignment them to either a Marker or Reconciler.
Alternatively you can use the Unassign All Reconcilers link.
How many markers can you assign
You can assign a number of markers but each student will only be assigned two markers. The system with distribute students evenly among the markers to achieve two markers per student.
Markers can only open submissions for the students assigned to them.
Step 3: Save assigned roles
Once you are happy with the arrangement of Unassigned, Markers and Reconcilers, click save.

You will be able to return to this page via the assignment settings to check how the markers/reconcilers have been set up. You will also be able to change the markers and reconcilers without affecting the marks and feedback they have provided.
Marking and Reconciling workflow
- Mark – all markers can provide marks and feedback to each of the student’s submissions (this is only visible to the Reconciler)
- Reconcile – with the ability to view marks and feedback from all markers the reconciler gives the final mark
- Post – when all submissions are marked the Programme Administrator will post the marks on the feedback release date.
Once the deadline has passed any assigned Markers will begin to mark.
- Marker (multiple markers are possible – if more than two they will be distributed evenly to provide each student with 2 markers) provides a mark and feedback, markers cannot view each others feedback.
- Reconciler (works as a second marker role) views marks and feedback left by marker(s) – provides a final mark and feedback – this is the only marks and feedback the student will see
As a marker your role is to provide marks and feedback for the reconciler, students will not see the feedback, although the reconciler may choose to cut and paste your comments. No one (including reconcilers) will see the annotations or rubric provided by a marker.
The marker will have access to the submissions in a slightly altered marking screen.
- Submission details (e)
- Annotating tools (f)
- Add feedback using the text editor via text, attachments, or audio. (g)
- Add the mark (h)
- Move to the next student to mark (I)

- The marker can only see the marks and feedback they provide, not that of any other marker.
- The marker’s marks and feedback will only be visible to the reconciler (and unassigned staff roles)
When marks have been added by markers for individual students they will show as needs reconciling in the Gradebook of the assigned Reconciler.
Reconcile using
- the “Reconcile All” link in the top banner or
- Open the individual’s attempt

Reconcile All
- Reconcile all allows you to generate the final marks using a choice of calculating them by:
- Average of marks
- Highest of marks
- Lowest of marks

Reconcile per student
- By clicking on the individual student’s attempt you will open a marking screen that shows the mark each marker has provided.
- Click on the feedback icon to view feedback provided by the markers.
- Add the final mark and move to the next student.

You can add the marks directly into the pill field (h).
To view the markers feedback or add the final feedback click on any of the feedback icons (i).
Please note – students will only see feedback added by the reconciler.

It is possible to use a rubric but please be aware that you can not override marks in a Rubric when using anonymity.
When all the submissions have been marked and reconciled the Programme Administrators can post the marks to make them visible to students.
Guide last updated on January 24, 2025