Blackboard Tests are created by instructors on the course. Programme administrators will check the settings so that the test is released to students correctly and the timer has been set up.
This guide will cover:
- Details and Information
- Presentation Options
- Formative Tools
- Marking & Submission
- Assessment Results
- Additional Tools (Including Timer and Rubric)
Test Settings
The test settings allow you to make the test fit your specifications for assessment. Most settings are unticked by default; by selecting some settings, some options are automatically ticked.
Details and Information
Select the date and time for the Due Date of the test.
Select options by checking the box. The default is to allow students to complete the test after the due date. Choose whether to prohibit late submissions or new attempts after the due date.
Presentation Options
Choose how to display the questions in the test to students. Question all at once or one at a time, in order or randomly.
Formative Tools
Choose whether you wish to mark this test as a formative test to remind students
Marking & Submissions
Choose the number of attempts students will have for the test.
Choose whether you wish to Mark using Points or Percentage
Assessment Results
Click any of the Submission results options to edit when results and feedback are shown to students.
Use the drop down menus to set results and feedback timings to best suit your need.
Additional Tools
In additional tools you will be able to set a timer for the test, and decide whether the work will be submitted when this time limit is completed or whether the student has extra time to complete the work.
Use the drop down box to set this post deadline timer.
You will also note that you can also assign to groups and add a rubric in line with the Blackboard Assignment interface. However on tests this is not able if using timed tests.
Guide last updated on September 24, 2024