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Extra time accommodations

The Accommodations function in Blackboard Ultra allows you to set the extra time a student taking a timed assessment using Blackboard Tests or Assignments on the course, in line with their reasonable adjustments as advised by Disability Advice Service (DAS).

Important Note: The Accommodations feature does not apply extra time for third party assessment tool Gradescope and Mobius. Extra time needs to be setup separately in these tools.

Set a time limit accommodation

Accommodations are set at course level for individual students and will automatically adjust the time a student has for every Blackboard assessment tool where a time limit can be added (Tests and Assignments).

These instructions describe how to set time limit accomodations for summative assessments using a percentage (but the accomodation will apply to any timed assessment created in the course).

Step 1: Open the accommodations panel for the specific student

(a) Go to the Gradebook, open the Students tab and locate the student you wish to grant an accommodation for.

(b) You can use the search function on this tab to locate the student in a large cohort.

(c) Click on the three dot menu for the student and select Accommodations from the menu.

Ultra Gradebook opened on the Students tab.  The three dots menu for a specific student is indicated.  The option Accommodations is highlighted from the three dot menu

Step 2: Apply time limit accommodation as a percentage

The Accommodations panel will open for the student you have selected.

(d) Select “Time limit accommodation”

(e) Select “Custom percentage”

(f) Add a whole number percentage to the percentage field.

Screenshot of Accommodations panel. The options "Time limit accommodations" as been ticked and marked (d). The Custom percentage options has been selected and marked (e). A percentage has been added to the percentage field and marked (f).

Step 3: Save the accommodation and return to the student list

Save the changes and the accommodations panel will close.

Once saved a pop-up window will appear explaining that “time limits for previously submitted work will update”.

Click add to continue

Screenshot of pop up message titled "Add time limit accommodation?" and containing the message "Time limits for previously submitted work will update". The options are cancel or Add.  Add is hightlighted.

In the Student list (and wherever the student’s name appears in the course for staff) there is now a purple ribbon icon to indicate that this student has an accommodation set up.

Screenshot of Gradebook showing that the student now has a purple ribbon icon next to their name.

Calculating extra time as a percentage

There are two reasonable adjustments indicated by DAS for a student that can be applied to timed assessments and used to calculate extra time. These are additional time and rest breaks.

Where additional time is given for SpLDs or other needs it is usually stated as a percentage and can be added directly into the ‘Custom percentage’ function.

A student may also be entitled to rest breaks and is indicated as minutes per hour. This need to be converted to a percentage to be entered as an accomodation, and where required, added to any additional time percentage.

Important: The standard rest break is 10 minutes per hour (17% rounded-up) but always check a student’s ILP for more detail. This is only an average and if a student needs rest breaks for certain reasons (for example, toilet breaks for a wheelchair user or to administer medication) the time may need to be longer.

PercentageMinutes per hourPercentageMinutes per hour
17% (Standard rest break)10.226%15.6
Calculate minutes per hour for percentage: x% x 60 divided by 100.

Accommodations – not to be used with summative assessment

There are two accommodations options listed that should not be used in summative assessment procedures at the University of Reading.

  • (g) Due date accommodation – this will prevent students from ever having work marked as late – late submissions are not marked as such.
  • (d) Unlimited extra time – with our current arrangements for students with reasonable adjustments there is no need for this option.

Guide last updated on October 11, 2024

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