RISIS Mode of Submission | Use for | What’s created in Blackboard | Students submit to | Channel for feedback |
AG02 Physical entity submission (group) | Physical entity submission (Group submission) | Blackboard Assignment | Blackboard Assignment | Blackboard Assignment |
Use this option where students work together on a physical entity type of assignment.
In order to allow provision of feedback electronically, one member of the group will be required to submit an electronic version of their work, or a digital submission sheet.
e.g. Students work together to produce a a poster: one students submits a copy as PDF, PPT, JPG, or photo.
Anonymous marking is not supported.
When editing the Blackboard assignment, the Programme Administrator will specify which course groups are required to submit to the assignment.
One student from each group adds their Name and student ID to the coversheet and attaches this to the Physical entity prior to manual submission at Support Centre.
A member of the group must also submit an electronic copy of the work, or a digital submission sheet.
Assigning of marks and provision of feedback
Does not currently support Anonymous marking.
If providing individual mark and feedback to members of a Group, the marker can give the same mark and feedback to the whole group, and then change the marks for individual members of the group.
Late penalties:
To track late submissions use the date and time for the manual submission of the physical entity in the drop box provided at the Support Centre.
Guide last updated on February 13, 2025