Home / Assessment & Feedback / Schools with On-time & Post-deadline submission points: Turnitin assignments

Schools with On-time & Post-deadline submission points: Turnitin assignments

Programme Administrators should create summative Turnitin assignments within the appropriate folder inside the ‘Assessment’ learning module e.g. Assessment > Assignment 1.

This guide takes you through the settings you should apply when creating a summative Turnitin assignment if your school sets two submission points – check the submodular assessment information on RISIS if you are unsure if your school uses one or two submission points for each assessment.

For help with the mechanics of creating a Turnitin assignment, please see Set up a Turnitin Assignment.

On-time submission point settings

  • Due date: official due date and time
  • Feedback release date: due date + 15 working days
  • Late submissions: No
  • Similarity Reports visible: Yes
  • Generate Similarity Reports: Immediately, can resubmit
  • Anonymous marking: Yes by default

Markers and administrators can access submitted work via the Gradebook, or by going directly to the Turnitin assignment in the Assessment area of the course.

At the Feedback Release date

  • Anonymity is automatically lifted – all student names are revealed.
  • Students will be able to access their marks & feedback via the Turnitin assignment, and also via the Gradebook.

Post-deadline submission point settings

  • Due date: official due date and time + 1 minute
  • Start time: official due date and time
  • Feedback release date: this can be set as the official due date + 20 working days.
    However Programme Administrators may prefer to set the Feedback Release Date further into the future, then bring the date forward once marks are ready to release.
  • Late submissions: Yes
  • Similarity Reports visible: Yes
  • Generate Similarity Reports: First submission is final
    Turnitin doesn’t allow re-submissions after the due date, so only one submission is possible once the due date has passed.
  • Anonymous marking: Yes by default

At the Feedback Release date, students can access their marks & feedback via Turnitin, and also via the Gradebook. Therefore any work marked after this date is potentially immediately visible (as has always been the case).

Releasing marks

  • All marks are released on the Feedback Release Date. You cannot release marks only for some students. Any marks entered after the Feedback Release Date are immediately visible to students.
  • Setting the assignment visibility to ‘Hidden’ also hides the corresponding Gradebook column. For coursework this should only be necessary in exceptional circumstances.
  • Students who have submitted should always be able to see their submission, and their marks and feedback, once these have bene released.

Guide last updated on July 3, 2024

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