Course Discussions can be set as an assessment, when a Discussion is set as marked it will appear in the Gradebook. Discussions can be used in formative or summative assessment.
Create or Edit a Discussion and open the Settings panel by clicking on the settings cog in the top right-hand corner.

Marking options panel
In the settings panel check the Mark discussion box, this will reveal so marking options.

Marking and Participation
- (a) Due Date – set as desired
- (b) Stop discussion activity after due date – After due date, students cannot reply or edit posts
If you wish to prevent students from continuing with the discussion after the due date, select this option.
(c) Standard marking options
- Mark Category – Discussion
- Marking using – points
- Maximum points – 100
Additional Tools
- (d) Use marking rubric
Add rubric to the discussion for marking and feedback.
- (e) Group discussion
Assign to groups- create groups on the course beforehand and assign groups.
When you have completed the settings Save.
Once you have saved the settings the new/edited discussion will have a corresponding column in the gradebook and will have the additional tab, Marks & Participation.
Guide last updated on July 31, 2024