Delegated grading is primarily used where there are multiple markers, and each marker is assigned a selected group of students to mark. It is the only way to filter anonymous submissions by group in Blackboard Assignment.
Delegated marking can be enabled when creating the submission point or by editing the settings, even after submissions have been made see our guide Enable delegated marking for more details.
When assigned to a group the “delegated” markers can only see submissions from their group it is not possible for them to see the full list of submitted work.
On the Overview and Markable Items tabs in the Gradebook the assigned marker will only see submissions from their group, for all marking statuses (Needs Marking or Needs Posting).
An un-assigned instructor’s view

An assigned instructor’s view

On the Marks tabs assigned markers will see all submissions and marked work, they can use the View option to see submissions not assigned to them. This view is not possible with anonymous marking until the marks are posted and anonymity is lifted.

Accessing and marking submitted work
As a marker, having delegated grading turned on makes very little difference to how you access and mark work.
- Only the students in the group you have been assigned will appear in the list of students in the marking screen.
- All the usual marking options are available
- Annotate the submission (a)
- Add overall feedback (b)
- Add mark (c)

Viewing all submitted work
Instructors, Markers and Teaching Assistants who are not assigned to any of the marking groups can view all submissions, marks and feedback, either by accessing the Submissions tab of the assignment, or by going via the Gradebook.
A possible workflow for a Module Convenor or “lead marker” would be:
- Assign lead marker to their group
- Lead marker marks their group
- Lead marker is then assigned as an additional marker to all the marking groups (it is possible to change assigned markers and to have more than one assigned marker).
This will allow the lead marker to view all the submissions during moderation or other post marking work.
When anonymity is on this will allow the leader marker to see all the submission but they will not be able to see which group the submission is from (unless some code or signature is added to the feedback).
Guide last updated on October 31, 2024