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What to do when Marks are Posted in error

Posting Marks in the Gradebook or marking screen makes them visible to students. The “Post Marks” action is handled by Programme Administrator teams only for all summative assessment. Please follow this advice as it is not possible to un-post marks.

Markers please advise your Programme Administrative team if you have posted marks for summative assessments as this is against the agreed process.

If marks have been posted in error those marks will need to be hidden from students and manually made visible to students by the administrator when the time comes to release the marks and feedback to students.

Hide Marks from students

Under normal circumstances it is rarely necessary to hide submission points or columns from students in Ultra. The visibility of marks is controlled by the posting process. If marks are posted in error it will be necessary to hide the assessment from students.

When a column in the Gradebook is hidden the submission point is also hidden and vice versa. Therefore you can hide the marks by hiding the assessment in the Gradebook or the Course Content.

Hide in Course Content

Go to the assignment in the Assessment area and change the visibility to Hidden from students.

Where Release Conditions are enabled you will see a pop-up message to confirm that you wish to “Remove the release conditions?” click Continue.

Hide in Gradebook

Or you can go into the Gradebook and hide from there in the Edit > Settings option

Three dot menu and Edit option in the Gradebook
Hidden from students chosen in the Visbility to student menu.
Assignment hidden in the Gradebook

Hidden Submission Points/Columns

By either method once hidden the submission icon will appear crossed out in both the Content Area and the Gradebook indicating that it is not visible to students.

Once the submission point is hidden:

  • Alternative arrangements will have to be made for Post deadline submission (if you are a single submission point school)
  • Communicate the change to students. Some may have seen their marks. All will no longer be able to see the assignment in the Course Content or Gradebook.

Release marks and feedback to students

Administrators will need to manually make the submission point visible on the day they wish to release the marks and feedback to students.

Return to the hidden assignment in the Course Content or Gradebook and select Visible to students.

For Blackboard assessment tools the submission point will need to be visible and the marks posted before students can see their marks and feedback.

For Turnitin assignments the submission point will need to be visible and the Feedback Release date passed before the students can see their marks and feedback.

Can I post marks for formative assessment?

If the assessment is formative you can decide whether to post marks as you mark each submission or to post the marks on a specific date so that all the students receive the feedback on the same day.

Communicate with your administrative team with as to whether you are going to post the marks for formative assessment yourself or wish for them to post them, so that everyone is aware of who’s responsibility it is.

Guide last updated on October 25, 2024

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