Continuing Professional Development – Leadership

This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course provides training in Transformational Leadership in Children and Young People Mental Health (CYP MH) settings.

NHS partners send established staff in leadership roles onto the CPD training to equip them with the necessary skills to fulfil their current role. Employment is generally by the NHS or NHS partners for the duration of training, and ongoing after completion of the training.

You will develop your skills with a mixture of leadership styles and skills teaching, as well as implementing a service improvement project within your own CYP MH setting.


What Can I Expect from the Training?

The training runs over the course of one calendar year, and consists of roughly 13 taught days, at least 4 half days in an action learning set, alongside implementation of a service improvement project in a CYP MH service.

You will be taught through a variety of teaching methods including lectures, experiential skills, training workshops, and self-directed learning. You will apply and develop the skills you learn in your CPD training within your leadership role.

How is the Training Assessed?

The training is assessed through a combination of written and practical quality assurance elements. Written elements include a project plan and leadership appraisal and reflection. Practical elements include a role-play and a presentation on your service improvement project.

At the end of the training, students are expected to demonstrate their learning and development through a Portfolio.

Entry Requirements

There are no academic requirements. Attendees should be working within a leadership role in a CYP MH service.


The CPD training is fully funded by NHS England; services who have previously expressed interest and received commissioned places will put forward names from their staff to attend.

If there are commissioned spaces unfilled, Charlie Waller Institute will contact partner service leads in relevant regions to offer these.


Completion of the training does not qualify you for any specific role but attendees can expect their certificate of completion to be recognised by CAMHS services, voluntary sector organisations, social care providers, and education settings.

How to Apply

The Charlie Waller Institute usually offers one intake per year in March. The number of places available per cohort is dependent on NHS England funding.

If you are interested in attending the training, contact your service lead in the first instance to either:

Request to be included in the next Expression of Interest for the training


Request your name to be put forward for any spare spaces they are aware of for an upcoming cohort

Further Information

For further information on this programme, please contact

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