
Tag: Staying Home

Virtual Learning

CONNECTED brings you the latest opportunities to learn virtually at Reading from a Meteorological Masterclass Series, to a new food labelling online course. Weathering the storm The Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)...

Lockdown ArtLab

Children from primary and secondary schools in Reading have been getting creative during lockdown, thanks to a cutting-edge art and technology project run by the University of Reading. ArtLab, which is run by staff and...

Outdoor Havens

Gardens have never seemed more precious today than during lockdown. Professor Annalisa Marzano is currently investigating ancient Roman gardens and she tells CONNECTED how important these outdoor spaces were. Whether...

Getting Involved

From tackling mental ill health through sport, to tutoring school pupils, CONNECTED looks at how the University of Reading community is helping others during lockdown. The University of Reading community has stepped up...

Shifting The Goalposts

With live football currently on pause, football fans looking for something else to do during lockdown are being asked to help with research into whether players are getting taller. Sports economist Dr James Reade and...

Languages In Lockdown

With a fifth of UK pupils missing out on English language development as homeschooling continues, Reading’s Dr Naomi Flynn offers some helpful advice to parents and teachers. Education experts recently stated that...

Navigating Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place in May each year, is particularly salient during lockdown. To help with managing low mood and depression during the COVID-19 crisis, Reading has launched a new online...

Exploring The Past

Looking for something to do during lockdown? Explore the University’s rare and fascinating collections from home via a new online portal. Anyone at home during lockdown can now explore ancient pottery and medieval...

The Digital Classroom

CONNECTED speaks to three academics about how lockdown has changed the way they teach, after the University moved more teaching and exams online. The suspension of in-person teaching, and move to online lectures...

The Wonders Of Wildlife

Reading Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Mark Fellowes, tells CONNECTED how people can use lockdown to discover the wonders of wildlife in their own back garden.  Being stuck at home during lockdown could be a golden...