We are committed to ensuring our soon to be teachers and educators are equipped and ready to teach the children of today what it means to live sustainably and, most importantly, why it’s so important we all take action.
Our postgraduate secondary students have been engaging in great cross-curricular projects exploring how they can teach different climate and sustainability topics, through linking subject knowledge.
Art&Design, Design&Technology, and Science students upcycling cross-curricular project
Some examples of their works included:

A model of the albedo effect – emphasizing the negative cyclical impact of global warming.

English, Geography & R.E students ‘the world around us’ cross-curricular project.

Subject leads Martin Sutton & Rachel Roberts ran a cross-curricular session for their Geography, Religious Education and English students.”Our English, Geography and Religious Education Secondary Reading Partnership Trainees (RPTs), participated in a collaborative session, aimed at designing a one hour transition lesson, pitched at year six pupils who may be visiting their secondary schools for an induction day.

The intention of the session was to find common ground between the three subjects and also to show that themes around our Earth, can be taught in a cross curricular manner. The students commented that they were surprised about the commonality between our disciplines and seemed to enjoy collaborating and learning knowledge and skills from each other.We hope that some of the RPTs take up our offer of continuing this type of project during their Enrichment Weeks, in June later this year. We raised awareness of Earth Day and hopefully lots of them will investigate how this will be enacted within their placement schools.” Martin Sutton🌏
We are incredibly proud of the work our students produced, their agility and ability to work collaboratively and across subject and their passion for the topics at hand. Great work all!
Checkout more pictures of their work on our Instagram.