You can download a copy of your portfolio to view offline or to take with you when you leave the university.
To download a zip file of your portfolio, within the Portfolios tool:
1. Go to My Portoflios. A list of the portoflios you have created is shown.
2. Find the portfolio you want to download and click the More options link
3. From the dropdown list that opens click Download.

Image of the My Portfolios page with the More link and the Download link highlighted.
4. Your portoflio is package up ready for download and a pop up window will appear. Click the ‘Click to download Portfolio‘ link in this window.

Image of Blackboard portfolio download Pop-up window
5. A zip file of your portfolio is then downloaded to your computer.
Note: You can unzip the downloaded file and save the folder containing your portfolio to your computer. Click the file named index.html to view your portoflio. It will open in a web browser.