Home / Assessment & Feedback / Turnitin Assignment / Turnitin: Edit a Turnitin Assignment

Turnitin: Edit a Turnitin Assignment

If you need to edit assignment settings after the initial set-up, this is done either in Turnitin or Blackboard depending on the setting being edited.

Editing locations

screenshot of Turnitin assignment inbox link and Blackboard edit menu

Turnitin Assignment Settings

In the Turnitin Assignment Inbox, click on the cog icon to open the Settings page.

Screenshot of Turnitin Settings icon

From the Settings area you can edit:

  • Feedback Release Date
  • Allow submission of any file type
  • Allow late submissions
  • Anonymous marking
  • Attach a rubric
  • Similarity Report Settings
  • Exclude assignment template

Cannot edit:

  • Assignment Title
  • Start Date
  • Due date
  • Max Grade (Points Possible)
  • Instructions

Blackboard Ultra Edit Panel

From the Blackboard Edit panel you can edit:

screenshot of Bb Edit Panel
  • Assignment title
  • Open in new window
  • Allow class conversations
  • Due date/time
  • Marks using (Points/Percentage/Letter)
  • Maximum points
  • Description (Instructions)

The Description will appear in the submission link in the Course Content and also in the Assignment Dashboard for students.

screenshot of student assignment dashboard

No formatting options are current available in the Description box and there is a 750 character limit.

Blackboard Ultra Release Conditions

A Release Conditions rule is created for the Turnitin submission point automatically, it sets the Show on date as the stimulated Start Date from the Turnitin submission point settings.  Please note:

  • You can access the Release conditions to edit the Start Date by clicking the Date/time link on the submission point.
  • You can change the Show on date here and it will update the Start Date in the Turnitin settings.
  • You can add additional rules in the Release conditions, such as “specific members or groups” or “hide after” and it will not affect the Start Date settings.

screenshot of Release Conditions link and Date/Time link

When release conditions have been added you will not be able access Send Reminder in the Gradebook. Changing the settings to Visible will not solve this issue.

Edit Settings – Where to edit what

SettingWhere to editWhat to edit
Assignment NameBlackboardEdit > Name
InstructionsBlackboardEdit > Description
Max PointsBlackboardEdit > Points Possible
Start DateBlackboardDate/Time> Show on
Visibility to StudentsBlackboardDate/Time – Release Conditions
Due DateBlackboardEdit > Due Date
Feedback Release DateTurnitinFeedback Release Date
Display after/until in BlackboardBlackboardDate/Time > Show on/Hide After
Allow any file typeTurnitinAllow submission of any file type
Allow late submissionsTurnitinOptional Settings > Allow late submissions
Anonymous MarkingTurnitinOptional Settings > Enable anonymous marking
RubricTurnitinOptional Settings > Attach a rubric
When to generate reports / allow resubmissionsTurnitinOptional Settings > Generate Similarity Reports for student submission
Visible to students in GradebookTurnitinFeedback Release Date

Guide last updated on June 25, 2024

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