Turnitin: QuickMarks – Create a set

We have switched to a new version of Turnitin.

The new version of Turnitin is being used

  • for all assignments due 1st August or later – including coursework resubmissions and resit exams
  • on all Blackboard courses for 2022/23.

For help with the new version of Turnitin please see Turnitin LTI Assignments

See Turnitin LTI: QuickMarks – Create a QuickMark Set

What are QuickMarks?

QuickMarks is the name used within Turnitin for frequently used comments that can be inserted into a student’s assignment. These comments can be created, saved and re-used on any assignment from an individual marker’s library of comments.  They are available from the QuickMarks section of the Instructor Feedback toolbar when marking an assignment using the Turnitin Feedback Studio.


How to Access the QuickMark manager

The QuickMark Manager is the location within Turnitin that allows you to create, edit, delete and group together frequently used comments when providing feedback on students’ papers. QuickMark comments can be stored together in sets, allowing you to organise your comments for particular assignments or types of comments.

There are two ways to access the QuickMark Manager:

  • From the Control Panel
  • From within the Turnitin Feedback Studio when marking an assignment


Access the QuickMark Manager from Course Tools

Within any Blackboard course which has a Turnitin assignment set up, go to

  • Control Panel -> Course Tools -> Turnitin Assignments

Click to go into the Assignment Inbox for any Turnitin assignment on the course. Click the Libraries tab.

QuickMark Manager is the default option under Libraries.

image showing the turnitin interface with the tab libraries highlighted and the subrab QuickMark Manager selected


Using the QuickMark Manager

QuickMark sets are lists of frequently used comments that have been saved and grouped together so that they can be re-used when marking papers, helping to save time.

A bubble Comment you make on a paper can be saved for future use in a QuickMark set.

There are some existing default sets of QuickMark comments that tutors can use or add to. Alternatively, tutors can create their own custom set for a particular assignment or requirement.

The QuickMark Manager window is divided into three columns:

  1. SETS: Shows the list of all QuickMark Sets available to you
  2. MARKS: Shows the list of QuickMarks within the set highlighted in SETS
  3. Shows the details of the specific QuickMark highlighted in MARKS.image showing the 3 columns of the quickmanrk manager - sets, marks & actions


Creating a new QuickMark set

To create a new QuickMark set:

  1. Click the Plus sigh next to SETS
  2. Enter a Title for the set and press Saveimage showing the plus sign clicked to add a new set in the sets column and a name field filled in with a save button next to it


Adding a new QuickMark Comment to a set

You can create your QuickMark comments directly into a new set in preparation for marking an assignment, where you know what kinds of comments you are going to need ahead of time.

  1. Select which set you want to add a comment to under SETS
  2. Click the Plus icon under MARKS
  3. Enter a Title and Description and when you’re done press Saveimage showing the plus sign in the first column - sets - highlighted, the plus sign in the second column - marks highlighted and the title and comment fields in the third column highlighted with the save button above the title field


Selecting a default Set for marking

Click on the title of a Set to highlight it, you can then make it your own default Marking Set. You can do this by clicking on ‘Make this the active set’ link.

image showing a selected set from the fist column and the option to make it the default set appearing in the third column.


A blue bullet beside the title of a set shows you which one is currently your default, When highlighted the default set will have the a ‘This set is active’ comment instead of ‘Make this the active set’.

an image showing a set highlighted with a blue icon in the desctiption, with the text next to it reading "This set is active"


Managing existing Comments

Click on the title of a comment to highlight it and click the Actions button; you can then:

  • Add to Set

Copy the comment to an already existing Set

an image showing the actions button clicked in the third column and the options appearing below it - add to set, new set & other. add to set is selected and below it there's a list of all available sets


  • New Set

Create a New Set and copy the comment into it.

You will need to give the new Set a Name and then click Save.

an image showing the actions button clicked, new set selected below it and the option to type in a new set name and a a button to save it next to it.


  • Other

Archive – Move the Comment into the ‘Archived’ Set

Remove from this set – Delete the comment from this set

an image showing the actions button clicked, Other selected below it and the options to archive and remove from this set below it


  • Click Edit

Allows you to edit the comment’s title and description

an image showing a set selected, a comment inside it highlighted and the edit button in the third column selected


Using the Feedback Studio QuickMark Manager

You can access the QuickMarks while marking by clicking on the blue tick box on the right-hand side panel.

an image showing the quickmarks button in the navigation pane of feedback studio selected


In the Panel that appears you can select which Set you’d like to use from the drop-down menu. Your default set appears selected every time you open a new assignment.

an image showing the quickmark panel expanded and the name of the set selected, revealing a list of all other sets below it


While you are marking an assignment through the Feedback Studio, you can click the Manage QuickMarks gear icon to go to the QuickMark Manager.

an image showing the quickmarks pane expanded and the "manage quickmarks" putton selected next to the set name


This gives you access to the same features as if entering from the Libraries tab, but the interface is different.


Creating a new Set

Open the Menu in the top right and then choose Create New Set then give the list a name and Save.

image showing the feedback studio quickmark maanger with the menu in the top left of the manager selected and the option "create new set" chosen

image showing the new popup which appears when "create new set" is selected, where the set's name should be entered with save ansd cancel buttons below it



After you create the new Set you will need to go back into the Menu and choose it from the list to be able to edit it.

Adding a new QuickMark Comment to a set

Click the name of a set to select it, click the Plus sign next to ‘QuickMarks’, Type in the title and description and then press Save.

image showing the feedback studio quickmark manager open, a set open and the plus button (add new quickmark) selected, title and comment fields appearing on the right and save button below them


Managing Existing Comments

Click on a comment to select it; you can then:

  • Add to Set

Copy the comment to an already existing Set – Highlight the Comment and choose the Add to Set option underneath it, then choose a Set to add it to.

image showing the feedback studio quickmark maanger open, a set selected and the "add to set" option highlighted below the title and description of the comment - when clicked it shows a list of all othere available sets


  • Remove from a Set

Click the minus Remove from Set icon “-“ to the right of the Set’s name to remove it.

image showing the feedback studio quickmark maanger open, a set selected and the "remove from set" option highlighted below the title and description of the comment


Create new QuickMark Comments when marking

To add a new QuickMark, click on the paper and select the Comment speech bubble icon.

an image showing the paper open in feedback studio and the 3 options appearing when a user clicks anywhere on the paper - add quickmanr, add comment and add text. add comment is highlighted


Once you’ve typed the comment, click on Convert to QuickMark.

an image showing a comment open with the option "conver to quickmark" at the bottom of the popup window - highlighted


You’ll need to give the comment a Title and select a Set to put it in.

Once done, click Save.

After that you’ll be able to find it in the panel along with the rest of the comments in that Set.

an image showing the prompt to input a title and select a set to put the newly created quickmark into

Page last updated on September 5, 2022 by andyturner

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