Blackboard: Embed videos and other media from media hosting websites


Where a media hosting website site provides Embed Code, usually for media (either video, image, sound and presentations), you can use this code to make the content display within Blackboard. For example a video from YouTube.

Embed code for content is available on many social media sites such as YouTube, Vimeo (video), SlideShare (presentations), Flickr (photos).

You can use this option to show the media on screen in your course and allow students to play or view the content without having to leave the course.

Important information!For help with embedding videos stored in MS Stream, see MS Stream: Share Content to Blackboard


How to find embed code?

The following guidance demonstrates finding code on YouTube but you should look for a link called Share or Embed link on other sites to find the embed code.

Find the video you want on YouTube and open the page showing the video details.

  1. Click on the Share button.YouTube share button
  2. Click on Embed.YouTube share options - Embed highlighted
  3. The Embed Video screen is displayed. Use the Start at option if you want the video to start playing at a point other than the beginning. Set any other desired options and press Copy.Screen shot of Copying Embed code from share screen in YouTube


Create an Item in a Course

  1. Go to your course in Blackboard and the content area you want to display the media in. Click Build Content > Item.Build menu in a course area, showing Create Item
  2. On the Create Item page, in the Text editor menu click the Embed button embed icon  Embed item in Toolbar - screen shotThis allows you to insert the embed code
Helpful tip!
If you don’t see the three rows of buttons in text editor menu, click the Show More / Less button Expand toolbar icon to reveal all of the menu options.

  1. A new Source Code view window will open. Use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V to Paste the embed code into the box. Click Save.Scource code - paste embed code - screen shot
  2.  The video will appear in the Content Editor box and can be played from here. Note: You can add text before of after the embedded content. Embeded YouTube video showing in editor
  3. Click Submit.

The embedded content is displayed on the screen within your Blackboard course.

embedded video in content area

Page last updated on November 5, 2020 by taralehane

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