Mode of Submission: Digital Submission

Type of Submission Mode of submission to select in RISIS What’s provisioned on Blackboard Channel for feedback Mark Entry
Digital Submission Turnitin Weighted Column Turnitin Turnitin

For any submissions requiring students to submit a URL/external link e.g. to a Screencast, Podcast, Video, Prezi, or Software files created and stored outside Blackboard.


The student should add the URL link to a Digital Submission Sheet (DSS), then submit the DSS in Turnitin.

The marker will need to

  • download the file containing the link
  • click on the link to access the student’s work on the external website
  • provide feedback via the Turnitin Feedback Studio

It is not ideal for summatively assessed work to be stored on a non-University platform, but in certain situations this is the only practical solution. Use the ‘Ask a Question’ link above to obtain guidance on how to manage such assessments.

Further guidance

Turnitin Assignments

EMA Integration: Turnitin Assignments

Page last updated on December 19, 2018 by Sev Raychev

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