EMA Integration FAQ: Should Integrated Columns be shown to students?

The answer to this is… it depends on the assessment.

The types of column created by the Integration are

  1. a column representing a Blackboard assignment, blog, journal or wiki – where the integration has created a submission point as well as a Grade Centre column
  2. a Weighted Total column – e.g. for a Turnitin assignment or Blackboard Test
  3. a Manual Column – for assessments where students do not make an online submission e.g. in-class tests taken on paper

1. Columns for Blackboard Assignments

also Blackboard blogs, journals and wikis.

You will need to reveal these columns to students in the normal way, when marking is complete, so that they are able to access their marks and feedback.

2. Weighted Total Columns

In most cases, you will never need to show these columns to students, as they will already be able to access their marks and feedback from the Turnitin assignment or Test to which they submitted. An exception might be multipart assessments.

3. Manual Columns

You normally will want to make a Manual Column visible to students, in order that they can view their marks (and feedback if any).

Page last updated on January 8, 2019 by andyturner