Internet connectivity and key considerations when working remotely

Poor connectivity can affect the quality and speed of:

  • a Teams or Collaborate call,
  • a recording being made via MS Teams,
  • uploading files to an online space, such as Blackboard or Yuja
  • processing files in an online space, such as editing video

The following steps can be taken to improve your connectivity:

Working from home

Most standard broadband connections don’t offer multitasking. Therefore

  1. Consider asking other people in the household not to stream videos, and to avoid uploading or downloading large files, when you are carrying out important tasks.
  2. If using a WiFi connection, consider sitting close to your broadband router if possible.
  3. Do not have the VPN active during online sessions or when recording screencasts / uploading to Yuja, as this slows the internet down dramatically and can disrupt live sessions.
  4. Only upload or download one file at a time.
  5. Try to keep your file size as small as possible. Large files can fail to upload or take a long time to upload.

On campus or at home

Please use a wired internet connection if possible.

If this is not possible, try to ensure that your WiFi connection is stable / WiFi signal is strong, especially when

  1. Using online applications such as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, or Microsoft Teams for screen-casting or lecture recording.
  2. Participating in or delivering webinars and other interactive online sessions.
  3. Uploading files to or downloading files from Yuja, Blackboard or OneDrive.
  4. Publishing a PowerPoint presentation to Yuja, or processing videos in Yuja (e.g. trimming video)


See more on the DTS Hub.

Page last updated on June 29, 2022 by Peter Moll