Gradescope: Sync the Roster

When should I Sync the Roster?

Synching the Roster updates the membership of a Gradescope course so that it matches the corresponding Blackboard course.

You do not have to Sync the Roster in order for students to be able to submit to Gradescope – when they click on a Gradescope link in Blackboard their details will automatically be transferred to Gradescope.

You should Sync the Roster

If you have anonymised student names in your course DO NOT Sync the Roster until marking is complete and you are ready to reveal names again.

How to Sync the Roster

Go to the course Roster page.

Add user to Gradescope course
Click Sync Blackboard Roster.

Sync Gradescope Roster

On the Sync With Blackboard Roster screen, untick the box next to “Let new users know that they were added to the course”.

Then press Sync Roster.

Sync Roster screen - untick Send Welcome email box


For more, see the Gradescope help page Syncing your roster.

Page last updated on April 13, 2021 by andyturner

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