There are two main ways you can present files and Videos to students, directly on to the Course Content or in an Ultra Document.
Presenting Files
Presenting Videos
For either option you can:
- upload your content from your local computer (using drag and drop)
- use Batch Edit to make the file(s) visible/invisible to students
- use Folders and Learning modules to organise the files
Presenting files directly in Course Content
It is possible to use the Add Content menu to Upload or Copy content directly to the Course Content.

- Copy your content directly from other courses (this not possible inside a Document).
- A large number of files will create a long the Course Content.
Relevant Guides:
Guide: Copy content into and Ultra course
Presenting files in an Ultra Document
In Ultra, Documents replace Items in Blackboard Original. These can be formed from a number of sections, and material presented in a variety of ways. A Document appears as one item in the Course Content.

There are two ways to add files to an Ultra document you can use the Add Content or Upload options.
- Add files to a Document using the Upload option
- Upload opens file manager
- Files can be uploaded to Document using drag and drop
- Files will have the Ally alternative formats option
- Add files to a Document using the Add Content option
- Add Content opens the Ultra text editor
- Files can be attached in the editor using drag and drop
- Files will have the Ally alternative formats option
Add files to a Document using the Upload option
Files can be uploaded directly to the Document (1), an uploaded file will create a separate block within the Ultra Document and can, therefore, be moved around the Document when arranging the blocks. In the Ultra document select Upload from the plus sign icon menu, the file manager will open.

Add files to a document using the Add Content option
Alternatively you can attached to a content block (using the text editor) which includes text, images, links etc. (2).In the Ultra document select Add Content from the plus sign icon menu, the text editor will open.
Advantages to presenting files in an Ultra Document:
- A large number of files can appear in the Course Content as one item.
- Documents give you flexibility in how you display materials to the students.
- Files, Videos and written content can all be added to one Document allowing student to view them on one page.
- It is not possible to copy files directly from another course/organisation into a document.
Relevant Guide:
YuJa videos
The Insert video (YuJa) LTI tool can be used to add videos to the Course Content or into a Document.

Presenting videos in Course Content
To add a YuJa video to the Course Content select Content Market from the add content menu and use the YuJa Media Chooser LTI tool to find and select the video you wish to embed.

Presenting videos in a Document
To add a YuJa video to a Document you will have to add it into a content section, select Content Market from the Plus menu and use the YuJa Media Chooser LTI tool to find and select the video you wish to embed.

Relevant Guides:
Guide last updated on July 25, 2024