Which tool should I use?
Recommendations and considerations when using Bb Collaborate and Teams Meetings for live presentation assignments or oral exams with students:
Collaborate vs Teams for live online student presentations
Recording live online student presentations
How can I ensure smooth running of live online student presentations?
Before presentation day
- Orientate students in the presenter controls, for example, loading and moving between slides. You could include screenshots in a checklist or other task instructions, hold a ‘dry-run’ or provide an ‘open room’ for students to practice presenting in the virtual space.
- Ask for copies of slides if you intend to load these on behalf of students or combine all slides into one file to streamline proceedings.
- Send a checklist to students, to limit technical errors on the day. For example, ask students to consider internet connectivity, check they are using a compatible browser and resolve basic audio troubleshooting before the presentation.
- Where students are being recorded they should be made aware of the legal guidance for recorded sessions.
During the presentation
- Allocate time for students to test their audio/webcam prior to presenting.
- Allow for time to load presenter slides and switch presenter roles if needed.
- Allow change over time between presentations; either for students to join or leave, or for you to move into a different meeting or room.
- Where students are being recorded they should be made aware when a recording has been started and stopped.
After the presentation
- Avoid engaging in discussions unintended for your student audience, even if the room is empty. Students can re-enter meetings after exiting and notification of this can be missed.
- Check the viewing/download permissions associated with the recording, where presentations have been recorded.
Important note on who can see and access recordings:
- A recording made during a Blackboard Collaborate session in a module will be available to all students enrolled in that module in Blackboard, via the Collaborate tool link (if this has been made available to students). Blackboard instructors and teaching assistants can download recordings and switch on downloads for students. Note: it is not possible to restrict downloads from Collaborate to specific students or staff.
- A recording made during a Microsoft Teams Meeting will be available for all meeting participants to view (but not download), via a link in the meeting chat panel. Note: Only recording owners can download and restrict viewing permissions, after the recording has stopped. Meeting ‘presenters’ become owners of recordings they initiate, additionally, the meeting organiser is automatically added as an additional ‘owner’ of all recordings made during the meeting.