Home / Blackboard Learn Ultra / Blackboard Learn Ultra Course Tour

Blackboard Learn Ultra Course Tour

Blackboard Learn Ultra is the new version of Blackboard Learn. It retains aspects that you are familiar with but introduces new and updated features and functionality. See the the Blackboard Learn Ultra Project site. Ultra course view is now used for Organisations and will be used for all Courses from the start of academic year 2024/5.

This guide provides a brief overview of the Ultra course layout and menus. There are three key areas in the Ultra course:

Screenshot of Ultra Course.

Navigation Bar

At the top of each course there is a horizonal Navigation bar to directly access frequently used tools.

Screenshot of Navigation bar

Navigation Bar tabs are:


Content is the default opening page when entering a course. Content is organised in Learning Modules or Folders which negates the need for a separate course menu. A Learning Module or Folder is the equivalent of a content area in Blackboard Learn Original.


The Calendar tab opens the Blackboard Calendar for the course. Calendar functionality is unchanged.


Use the Announcements tab to view and create Announcements. Any Announcements created on the course will be listed here.


Any Discussions created on the course will be listed under this tab.  Discussions can still be created and display anywhere within course content.


The Gradebook tab replaces the Grade Centre (for staff) or My Marks & Feedback (for students). This is the access point to view, mark and manage all assessments in the course. See the Blackboard help page Navigate Grading.


A record of Messages sent to the students on a course are listed under this tab.  Students can only receive and not send messages.  Staff can send a new message from here.


The Analytics tab provides access to reports on student activity in the course. This tab is not visible to students.


The Groups tab is where you can can view, create and manage Groups on the course. See Using Groups.

Course Staff

In this section a list of staff on the course will appear.  You can control which staff member names appear here by using the Primary Instructor function. Please see our guide on Course Staff for further details.

screenshot of Course Staff section of Ultra Course

Course Content

Course Content is the landing page for a course.  This is where all information and materials can be added and display.

Screenshot of original course menu compared with Ultra Course Content

In the top right-hand of the course content area there is a link to the course settings, student preview and course search.

screenshot of course settings, student preview and search links.
  • Course Settings – There is no need to go into the course settings they are either set by default or should not be changed.
  • Student Preview
  • Search Function – search for content of the course. It searches all text in Title fields on the Course Content at the moment, it will include item descriptions in future updates.

Details  & Actions

Use the Details and Actions to manage the course.

  • Class register – List of staff and students enrolled on the course. See our guide Manage and enrol users.
  • Progress Tracking – Allows students to see which materials they have accessed and choose to mark them as completed.  Instructors can see what students have accessed. For further details see our guide on Progress Tracking.
  • Course Image – Set the image for the course banner, see our guide on Course Image.
  • Course is open – Make your course open or private to students. See our guide on making your course available.
  • Class Collaborate – “Join session” opens a Collaborate course room, a permanently open Collaborate session.
  • Books and Tools – Shows a list of tools integrated with Blackboard (e.g. Talis, YuJa, Turnitin). Access the Ally course accessibility report from here.
  • Question Banks – View and create pools of questions for a Test or Assignment, Blackboard Help Guide on Question Banks.

Collaborate link

“Joint Session” is link to a Collaborate room is enabled by default. If you are not going to use this facility “Disable course room” via the three dot menu.

Select “Manage all sessions” to set up and manage scheduled collaborate sessions.

Student’s view of Collaborate

Students will see a three dots menu, giving them the options to:

  • View all sessions
  • View all recordings

Skip – Add course schedule

The course schedule function is not part of the UoR Blackboard Learn Ultra template. Click on “Skip” to remove this option.

Guide last updated on May 15, 2024

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