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Blackboard Learn: The Calendar

As an Instructor, you can create Calendar events for your course, which will then display to your students.

Most course items with an associated date will appear in the Calendar, however scheduled Collaborate sessions do not appear.

Students should be advised not to rely on their Blackboard Calendar as there may be inaccuracies. For example, all assessment deadlines pertaining to their modules will display, even if some deadlines are not relevant to all individuals.
* Students should continue to check usual places for assessment information.
* Links to join live interactive sessions online should always be displayed in Blackboard modules.

Assessment due dates

Due dates appear in the Calendar for both Blackboard and Turnitin assessments, but it’s worth stressing to students that they should not rely on the Blackboard Calendar for their assessment due dates and should always check these in the course itself. The Calendar will show all assessments for the course – including those which the individual student may not need to submit to (for instance post-deadline assignments when the student has already submitted on time, or where there are assignments with rolling deadlines).


  • You can set Calendar events to be recurring (as in Outlook).
  • You can add a hyperlink to the ‘Location’ field of a Calendar event
  • Blackboard Calendars do not automatically update Outlook or Teams calendars. However you can export your Blackboard Calendar so that it displays inside Outlook – see the Blackboard help page Share Calendar with Outlook

For more see the Blackboard help page: Calendar

Guide last updated on May 18, 2023

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